
All Different All Equal

These wristbands were part of a pack which marked the Council of Europe’s new All Different – All Equal campaign.

The campaign aimed to encourage and enable young people

to participate in building peaceful societies based on human rights, diversity and inclusion.

The activities in the pack promoted the message of the new campaign that all people,

everywhere, have the right to be themselves and to be treated with fairness and justice. In 2009, the Joint Council on Youth reported:

At national level, the “Education Pack”, an update of the National Youth Council of Ireland’s Anti-Racism and Equality Education Pack, could be cited as an outstanding example of a Campaign-related publication.

Source: All Different All Equal Campaign, National Youth Council of Ireland

Year: 2006, updating the 1995 Anti-Racism and Equality Education, 1995

Courtesy of Johnny Sheehan and the National Youth Council of Ireland

Produced by: Just Forests

Format: rescued wood sample

Year: 1987

Courtesy of Tom Roche