Podcast: Exploring Global Citizenship with a Ball of String
The Power of Simple Tools in Teaching Global Citizenship Sometimes, the most impactful
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It is not possible to talk about food in the world today without talking about conflict. A response, by cartoonists
An Irish language vocab list on World Food Day 2024
Fáilte roimh rannóg na Gaeilge ar developmenteducation.ie
The Power of Simple Tools in Teaching Global Citizenship Sometimes, the most impactful
Ciara Regan catches up with Caoimhe Butterly about her social justice activism and her work supporting migrants and volunteers on the island of Lesvos, Greece
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Ciara Regan reviews Afri’s latest resource, Sowing Seeds of Peace, for post primary teachers which is adaptable and immediately useful across a range of school subjects.
From getting out to vote and entertaining two children off school due to it being a make-shift polling station, Ciara Regan reflects on international women’s day 2024.
Juan Acevedo-Ossa explores South Africa’s case against Israel as the latest example of its ability to act as a normative superpower, exceeding the great powers in shaping global moral discourse.
Join us for this online session Empathy in a Divided World led by Brighid Golden to discuss how educators can respond to the challenges of selective empathy, both for ourselves personally and with others in our different settings.
How does Israel’s current aggression on Gaza relate to Africa’s own history of political violence in Uganda and Africa?
From food shortages to informants, eight evacuees talk about life in Russian-occupied towns
Explore this key baseline on teaching materials from Ireland that were produced during the first 4 years of the SDGs.
Through the stories from the people involved in bringing them about, this podcast series explores a number of the objects featured in the exhibition that act as a snapshot of Irish engagement with global cultural, political and social issues over the past 50 years.
Looking for resources that link to the SDGs, such as booklets, short films, issue-based activity packs or an NGO report?
Say hello, to the Sustainable Development Goals Explorer.
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