Are you involved in development education resource production? Or would you like to be? Then this event is for you!
This year, DevelopmentEducation.ie, in collaboration with Dóchas and IDEA, are producing a set of guidelines to support the production of DE resources in Ireland. These guidelines are a direct outcome of the Audit of Irish Development Education Resources (2013) carried out last year by DevelopmentEducation.ie (more info on this at www.developmenteducation.ie/audit
A short consultation event is being taking place on the 9th April on the draft Guidelines for Producing Development Education Resources (venue to be confirmed) as part of the Finding Frames research launch (for more information see this weeks Dochas Newsletter) in order for the development education sector to give their feedback before they are finalised.
If producing DE resources is part of your work then make sure you participate in this consultation!
To register for the event please email anna@dochas.ie (taking place on 9th April from 9.30am-1pm)
Background information on the resource guidelines
Ireland has a long and recognised tradition of producing high quality development education resources at all levels that stretches more than 40 years. Resources are a product of their time. Just as development issues, curriculum needs and learning contexts change, resources need updating – whether it’s content, context or the facts.
These guidelines have been developed by DevelopmentEducation.ie, Dóchas and IDEA following the Audit of Irish Development Education Resources report (2013) in order to animate and support anyone – whether an individual or an organisation – thinking about producing resources. The guidelines have been informed by the findings of the audit in consultation with development education practitioners. They are not intended to be prescriptive; rather they represent a set of collective ideas and suggestions for discussion and debate.
The aims of these guidelines are fivefold:
1. To support the continued high standard of DE resource production in Ireland
2. To support educators, teachers, writers, non-governmental organisations and individuals working to produce a development education resource
3. To provide a series of ideas, options, choices, key questions and viewpoints to consider
4. To offer a set of questions that encourage discussion and debate on the reasons and rationale for producing resources
5. To encourage reflection on a broad range of issues associated with producing a resource from a development and human rights perspective within a popular educational approach and ideas to very practical and immediate ‘technical’ concerns
If you are unable to attend the event don’t worry – there will be other opportunities to feedback (contact Eimear@ideaonline.ie for more info). Check back on the website or watch the IDEA e-circular for updates.