
Materials and guides for educators in formal and non-formal education, including primary, post primary, youth settings and community education.

Empathy – Who Cares Anyway?

Brighid Golden explores the concepts of sympathy, empathy and selective empathy and how to explore these in your teaching spaces.

3-point guide to Palestine and Israel for educators

In the shadow of the most traumatic attack on Jewish people since the Holocaust and what Palestinian people are referring to as a ‘second Nakba’, Ciara Regan shares a three-point guide for educators and teachers looking to make sense of the latest and most extreme clash of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Sorting facts from fiction on key human rights and international development issues

Our background primers on the big issues.

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Trends Report 2023

A round-up of activities, events and trend analytics from developmenteducation.ie in 2023

Decolonise engineering

How do we remove the legacies of colonialism from engineering? Engineer Adedotun Adekeye explores this question in a new two-part series.

Showcasing action projects, advocacy and community campaigns.

Debating Development Issues

Key issues, debated.

Debating Fairtrade

The modern fairtrade movement is now some 50 years old and has a significant history and track record reflected in current debates, arguments and criticisms.