Materials and guides for educators in formal and non-formal education, including primary, post primary, youth settings and community education.

30 smeach chárta ar líne: Bia, cothú agus an domhan
‘Foods’ stands for diversity, nutrition, affordability, and safety. A greater diversity of nutritious foods should be available in our fields, in our markets, and on our tables, for the benefit of all.

Extra-curricular Opportunities at Post-Primary Level
Fancy organising a workshop? Many NGOs have members of staff who do outreach and education visits to schools as part of their education programmes.

The aftermath of an earthquake: An educator’s guide
Teaching young people about natural disasters like earthquakes can be challenging, but it is important that they understand why they happen, and the progress humanity has made in limiting their damaging effects.
Sorting facts from fiction on key human rights and international development issues

What the Fact: Is the United Kingdom descending into ‘mob rule’?
Amidst protests being attended by tens of thousands of people in the UK in recent months, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak claimed that there is a growing consensus that mob rule is replacing democratic rule. A fact check by Kai Evans.

Are lithium batteries the magic wand for the world’s woes?
Elon Musk tweeted that ‘Lithium batteries are the new oil’ as an essential energy source of a cleaner, greener future. Is he right? A fact check by Kai Evans

African migrants roast dog in Ireland? No, video of pig barbeque for Dublin homeless
A video showing an animal being roasted on a spit has brought vitriolic racist hate online, with commenters claiming it shows African migrants in Ireland roasting a dog. But the animal in the video is a pig. A fact check by Mary Alexander.
Our background primers on the big issues.

Trends Report 2023
A round-up of activities, events and trend analytics from developmenteducation.ie in 2023

Decolonise engineering
How do we remove the legacies of colonialism from engineering? Engineer Adedotun Adekeye explores this question in a new two-part series.
Showcasing action projects, advocacy and community campaigns.

Solidarity in Action 2021 – A Journey in Global Citizenship Education
This online publication comprises of critical reflections from participants of Solidarity in Action course, 2021.

Modern Slavery: Brazilian ‘flying squad’, Guaraní land reform and the Coalition of Immokalee Workers
Chris O’Connell explores three stories of groups that are fighting back against slavery: the Brazilian anti-slavery system, the Guaraní in Bolivia and the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in Florida in the US.

Supporting the Integration of the Resettled (STIRE)
As part of IDEA’s Annual Conference 2021, Maria Gonzalez, Development Perspectives, presenting their STIRE Project in order to Showcase the initiatives and approaches addressing inequality
Visualising data for global citizenship education
Debating Development Issues
Key issues, debated.

The Trump Presidency will be a blessing in disguise for Africa
Considering the motion of the finals, that The Trump Presidency will be a blessing in disguise for Africa, the stage was well set for an evening of explosive energy, heated exchanges, facts (yes facts STILL matter)

The energy debate: Renewable energy cannot replace fossil fuels
Currently, we are (over)dependent on fossil fuels to heat our homes, run our cars, power our offices, industry and manufacturing, and respond to our insatiable desire to power all of our electrical goods

Debating Fairtrade
The modern fairtrade movement is now some 50 years old and has a significant history and track record reflected in current debates, arguments and criticisms.