Further information, links and resources

Links for Teachers: 

  • Education resources focused on Trees and Sustainability: beagleproject.org
  • Environmental education resources: epa.ie
  • Climate change adaptation resource from the UK Department of Environment and Rural Affairs – defra.gov.uk
  • Education resources on a range of topics provided by the UK Science Museum: sciencemuseum.org

Recommended Videos:

  • Earth Day – Give Earth a Hand – A powerful Greenpeace video that touches upon a range of issues including sustainable development, consumerism, environmental degradation, water scarcities and environmental protection.
  • UNESCO ‘Water in cities’ – This video explores the sustainable management of water resources in the context of cities and their growth.
  • Creeping Deserts – A short video about the search for water in dry regions of West Africa.
  • Facebook: Unfriend Coal – An entertaining Greenpeace video promoting their campaign targeting Facebook (and other IT companies) to use re-newable energy sources to power their infrastructure.
