Resource Title
Report of Conference: Linking and Immersion Schemes with the Global South – Developing Good Practice
Report of IDEA’s first National Conference: Linking and Immersion Schemes with the Global South: Developing Good Practice. This was held in Dublin, Ireland on 20th September 2007 focused on building capacity within the sector, developing good practice and beginning the process of influencing policy and practice in the emerging Irish Aid-Leargas Linking and Immersion Schemes.
Resource Details
The aims of the conference, where were:
- To critically explore Linking and Immersion programmes which link Ireland to the Global South.
- To identify good practice in relation to Linking and Immersion programmes, exploring how the development education sector can contribute to good practice.
- To showcase a range of Linking and Immersion programmes from a variety of sectors.
The Conference programme linked two keynote speakers with four workshops on areas
for critical analysis in relation to Linking and Immersion Schemes and summarised in the event report. These were:
- Keynote Speaker 1: Colm Regan: 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World. Presentation Title: Lies, Spin and Colonialism
- Keynote Speaker 2: Vanessa Androitti: Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice, Nottingham University (UK) and a Brazilian educator with extensive experience in development education internationally. Presentation Title: Linking Horizons
- Workshop 1: Models of Linking & Immersion. This workshop aimed to showcase and debate different models of Linking and Immersion in theyouth, schools and private sectors
- Workshop 2: Real Exchange or One Way learning. This workshop aimed to explore the issue of reciprocity – do both people in the Global South and the Global north each benefit equally from Linking and Immersion programmes.
- Workshop 3: Bringing the Learning Back. This workshop aimed to explore how Linking and Immersion
programmes can contribute to development education in Ireland. - Workshop 4: Developing Codes of Practice: The Experience from Volunteering Agencies.
Available from:
- Download Linking and Learning conference report PDF
- Visit the Irish Development Education Association