Photo: © Clifton Rooney (2017) hosts a wide range of materials and resources that cover diverse global development themes and issues. These are presented through a variety of media including, but not limited to: videos, photographs, cartoons, animations, current affairs, infographics and more. This section aims to provide inspiration with selected ideas and recommendations for incorporating the tools and resources presented throughout this website to support the introduction and integration of development education into the classroom. Want to know where all of this fits? Here are some possible opportunities and links to the Primary curriculum!
Now let’s get started!

Doing DE: Starter Guide
This section has been designed to be a quick, accessible and usable introduction to development education (DE) with ideas and activities that can be immediately used

Inspiration from Stories of Change
Looking for ideas and learning lessons based on practice? Experimental group projects and campaigns from across Ireland and beyond, from young people and adults alike

Resources library
Searchable by topic, publisher, format, SDG, country/region of focus, intended audience