Team Planet was originally developed and written by Kathleen Horgan of Mary Immaculate College of Education, Limerick, Ireland as part of a broader programme of teaching and learning about development and environment issues. Team Planet was initially published by the College in partnership with Trócaire, the Catholic Agency for World Development. Over the years since its initial publication, the resource became very popular with primary teachers and we decided to update it and make it more broadly available through
This edition of Team Planet was updated and redrafted by Kathleen Gibbons.
This work was undertaken and funded by development education NGO 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World.
Artwork is by Rachel Abrahams, Barbara Nolan and Carla Daly.
Prepared for by Lewis Murphy, Ciara Regan and Toni Pyke
Principal teachers who made schools available for in-service development of Team Planet:
Vaughan Dodd, St. Cronans BNS, Bray, Co.Wicklow and Sr. Monica Mohally, Moyderwell Primary School, Tralee, Co.Kerry, Aengus Cantwell.
Members of the original Project Steering Committee:
Sr Angela Bugler, Dr Kieran Byrne, Mr Dermot Chadwick, Ms Patricia Conboy, Dr Áine Cregan, Dr Kathleen Horgan, Mr Ken Mawhinney.
Project Co-ordinators:
Dr Peadar Cremin and Dr Colm Regan
We would also like to sincerely thank the following individuals who assisted in many ways with the development of Team Planet:
Colin Byrne, Noelle Claffey, Sheila Dillon, Hugh Murphy, Ellen Leussink, Fergal McCarthy, Dr Donal O’Connor, Charlie O’Neill, Charlie O’Reilly
Thanks also to Trócaire for permission to update
We would like sincerely thanks the following schools for their participation in the project and for their many contributions to Team Planet:
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