It is not possible to talk about food in the world today without talking about conflict. As a teacher, leading a discussion with learners about food security can quite quickly (and importantly) lead to questions that explore food insecurity.
The impact of food prices, references to the global food crisis and access to healthy and affordable food or how food is treated as a weapon in humanitarian emergencies and conflict, such as in Gaza in the last 12 months and Ukraine in the last two years, each highlight how these connections are immediate and urgent when it comes to food.
The cartoons presented below were produced by cartoonists from Portugal, the US, Saudi Arabia and Australia.
For more, take a look at the 5 cartoons launched yesterday as part of our World Food Day series.

Food as a Weapon
On the use by the Hamas terrorist organisation in Gaza of food as a weapon, or more precisely the use of starvation against civilians where food aid is prevented from reaching conflict zones, constituting a war crime. Cartoon from 2018 and text by Pete Kreiner.
By Pete Kreiner, Australia
Credit: © Pete Kreiner/Cartoon Movement 2024

Fast Food
McDonald’s departure from Russia in March 2022 represents a new period of isolation for Russia, with thousands of Western companies limiting or ending operations in the country as a result of its invasion of Ukraine.
15 McDonald’s restaurants reopened within three months under new branding and ownership. At the opening some patrons wore a “Z” hat – a reference to a symbol used by Russian troops amid the war in Ukraine. (Source: BBC News report).
Fast Food by Vasco Gargalo, Portugal
Credit: ©Vasco Gargalo/Cartoon Movement 2022

Food for thought
Children are not starving in Gaza. They are being starved.
Text and cartoon by Dennis Goris, USA (March 2024)
Credit: © Dennis Goris/Cartoon Movement 2024

Global food crisis
By Ameen Alhabarah.
Credit: © Ameen Alhabarah/Cartoon Movement 2022
More on

This World Food Day series is brought to you by Concern Worldwide, Scoilnet, Self Help Africa and
30 smeach chárta ar líne: Bia, cothú agus an domhan. An Irish-language vocab list on food security.

A recent teaching resource Sowing the Seeds of Peace by Afri on the topic of hunger as a consequence of war and conflict reviewed by Ciara Regan
How much do you know about how food is produced, consumed and wasted?
Explore 10 common myths about the agri-food industry, GMOs and consumer ‘pester power’ in a downloadable pocket-sized booklet.