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5 Resources found

SpoArts WASH: Exposing Ireland’s Fossil Fuel Sponsorship Culture
Year: 2023 | Published by: Just Forests“For us, rejecting fossil fuel company greenwashing needs considerably greater public education, debate and action including directly challenging greenwashing initiatives …

Why does the UN chief think a debt crisis for the global south is on the way?
Year: 2021 | Published by: Financial Justice IrelandThis highly accessible factsheet explains concepts such as debt, GDP, growth, interest and defaulting in simple, easy to understand language. …

Climate Change, Extractivism and Colonialism: Facilitators and Learners’ Handbook
Year: 2022 | Published by: Friends of the Earth IrelandThis handbook aims to provide a framework for a process of co-(un)learning by exploring colonisation, colonialism and racialisation, and linking …

Microsite: Introduction to the Circular Economy
Year: 2019 | Published by: Ellen MacArthur FoundationOur current economic model is one of limitless growth and consumption. Endless growth comes at a cost to our planet …

Fala Favela: photographs and activities on shantytown life in Brazil
Year: 1991 | Published by: Canadian Catholic Organisation for Development and Peace, Catholic Fund for Overseas Development, Catholic Institute for International Relations, Catholic Relief Services, Movimento De Defesa Do Favelado, Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund, TrócaireProduced by a group of teachers from Ireland and England that visited Brazil in 1988, this photopack has become widely …