Search Results for: "poverty porn"

22 students challenge ‘poverty porn’ story in Times of Malta

When writing about Africa we are told: Among your characters you must always include The Starving African, who wanders the refugee camp nearly naked, and waits for the benevolence of the West. Her children have flies on their eyelids and pot bellies, and her breasts are flat and empty. She

Does using paid models change the ethics of sensationalised poverty media?

‘Sensationalised poverty media’ has usually been referenced as ‘poverty porn’ in discussions on development issues, but I have purposefully decided to not use this term as I find it a sensationalised term which distracts from the debate. Furthermore, it may be unsuitable for some readers of this blog. When I

‘It’s just as bad as poverty’ – Africa for Norway spreads the warmth

“People don’t ignore starving people so why should we ignore cold people? Frostbite kills too.” Excerpt from the official campaign Christmas video Imagine if every person in Africa saw the “Africa for Norway” video and this was the only information they ever got about Norway. What would they think about

We’re 100 blogs old!

This week marks the 100th post since we launched the blog just over a year ago. Thanks to all our readers and contributors for the lively discussions and debates. Sparks did fly. Disagreement was had. Long may it continue! To mark the occasion we have launched an exciting quarterly

The danger of single stories: ‘Africa’

Those interested in good quality lectures, music and humour (and much else!) will already be familiar with TED – – in 2009, TED posted a talk by Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Adichie (Purple Hibiscus 2003 and Half a Yellow Sun 2006) on the dangers of presenting overlapping dimensions of a