A starter guide – talking to young people about war in Ukraine
A 6-point guide by Ciara Regan on where to begin talking about war & conflict with young people about the unfolding Ukraine-Russia crisis.
A 6-point guide by Ciara Regan on where to begin talking about war & conflict with young people about the unfolding Ukraine-Russia crisis.
It’s that time of the year again when news bulletins start carrying pieces on homelessness, or elderly people living alone, and weather forecasters start early predictions of whether or not it will snow on Christmas Day.
developmenteducation.ie recently spoke with an old friend and colleague Phil Glendenning, director of the Edmund Rice Centre in Sydney and now president of the Refugee Council of Australia, about Australia’s offshore and onshore asylum seeker detention system.
Much as I try, I am unable to switch off from the social and mainstream media storm surrounding ‘POTUS’ (if you use Twitter you’ll know
During the month of August I volunteered with an organisation based on the island of Lesbos which gives legal advice to people seeking refugee status.
Back in May of this year I wrote a blog about the 10,000 unaccompanied child refugees who have disappeared since reaching Europe, travelling without the
Eimhin O’Reilly’s blog was a runner up in the 2015 Trinity College Dublin and developmenteducation.ie Development Issues blog series. All photography courtesy of Alexandre© . ………………………………………………………………………………
Migration is a human rights issue. The universal declaration of human rights outlines that humans have a right to social security, a right to work,
The Guardian newspaper captured the essence of the issue in its editorial of April 21st: ‘A proud father who is fleeing persecution, a mother who
If the production of refugees was an industry, Myanmar would be among the world’s market leaders. In the creation of the product, the Burmese regime
As part of our development debates series, Omar Grech investigates the facts, duties on states and the rising sensationalist language in Malta that is amplifying
Macroprudential regulation is supposed to deal with two major issues: the procyclicality of the financial system, and systemic risk and moral hazard caused by systemically
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