Guerilla Posters

Who We Are

Group of participants on Creativity & Change’s Street Art Masterclass.

What We Did

Explored the Sustainable Development Goals in depth using visual art. We worked on recycled election posters during election time, creating new versions of these, which were then displayed among the existing posters around Cork city. Being more colourful and eye catching than those pictures, they aimed to draw the viewer’s attention and highlight the need for the government to take urgent climate action.

How We Did It

Participants were invited to create posters addressing what we don’t see, hear or speak about when it comes to climate change. The group were asked to complete the sentence: ‘Open your eyes/ears/mouth to…’, which was printed, along with an edited image of themselves. They were then free to use these and any chosen materials to complete their poster.

poster work - creativity and change
Poster 5 creativity and change
The future is made of the same stuff as the present - poster
poster work

As the SDGs already come with simple, colourful, visually effective graphic images that are useful starting points for poster making, participants were invited to respond to a chosen SDG, or related issue that they wish to highlight, by making a poster or postcard using a chosen medium, or mixed media. Printed resources can be used as inspiration, or as collage materials. Work created can go on to be exhibited, to further engage people and raise awareness. Posters photographed to make postcards can be sent by ‘snail mail’ to decision makers to incite them to action.


Sticking to a certain colour palette makes for a more cohesive style and ties posters together when displayed in public so that they are recognisable as an action or campaign.


“Engaging with topics such as this in a creative way makes them more accessible and engaging, it helps break down the barriers to local and global responsibility.” – Martha Cashman


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