Think about Tea: Street Action

Who We Are

Group of participants on Creativity & Change’s accredited course.

What We Did

In order to open a new space for positive community interaction and learning and engage with the public in a new, creative way, we invited them to sit and try locally-foraged tea. We shared knowledge on how tea can be made from wild plants and herbs. This opened up a discussion about the global impact of tea drinking and to raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals.

How We Did It

The group created a large, eye-catching ‘TEA’ sign using recycled corriboard and herbs to inspire curiosity on the street. They made a chart about the global impact of drinking tea to encourage conversations with the public about the global goals and encouraged participation with charts of information about tea production and consumption around the world and questions for the public.

Tea poster
Tea session
Tea post-it note

We set up a table outside and invited passers by to have some of our locally foraged tea. We shared some knowledge on how tea can be made from wild plants and herbs and also on the global impact of tea making, and the connection to the Sustainable Development Goals.


“We decided to use tea made from locally-grown herbs to engage with the public directly to broaden the conversation to food security. Once we knew people were going to stop and have a cup of tea, we knew they would stay with us for at least five minutes. This was an opportunity to bring the conversation from tea to food and the SDGs.”- Tommy Lysaght


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