Free speech, censorship and snowflakes – take the test

Churchill statues

Can we really say whatever we want, whenever we want?

Explore 10 short myths about the limits of freedom of expression, social media and the free press in an increasingly digital and connected world.

Take the quiz and test your knowledge, based on the 10 Myths About Free Speech myth buster by Gina Dorso and Ciara Regan

>> direct link to the quiz online available here<<


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ICJ South Africa v Israel

Punching above its weight

Juan Acevedo-Ossa explores South Africa’s case against Israel as the latest example of its ability to act as a normative superpower, exceeding the great powers in shaping global moral discourse.

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Empathy in a Divided World – workshop

Join us for this online session Empathy in a Divided World led by Brighid Golden to discuss how educators can respond to the challenges of selective empathy, both for ourselves personally and with others in our different settings.

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