Human Development Today: 5 Headlines and 6 Key Lessons
The latest Human Development Report, published in September, is a key fixture for educators and activists published by the UN Development Programme annually, is packed
The latest Human Development Report, published in September, is a key fixture for educators and activists published by the UN Development Programme annually, is packed
Is the status of a country’s democratic health a fair measure of human development gains? What about when we test this idea against the case
Dillon Hennessy’s blog is a runner up in the 2017 Trinity College Dublin and developmenteducation.ie Development Issues blog series What is development? Does it matter?
I can’t find my iPod. I can’t find it anywhere. Did I put it somewhere safe and now can’t remember? Perhaps someone has ‘taken’ it?!
Recent debates on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and on the measurement of human development have highlighted a series of highly significant and life enhancing
Source: IMG_5419 by controlarms, Flickr I don’t know about yours but my dictionary suggests that the word consensus means ‘general agreement’ or ‘majority opinion’. The
Shocking statistic of the week: Consumers in rich countries dispose of 220 million metric tons of food waste every year, equal to the entire food
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