Letter from Lesbos
During the month of August I volunteered with an organisation based on the island of Lesbos which gives legal advice to people seeking refugee status.
During the month of August I volunteered with an organisation based on the island of Lesbos which gives legal advice to people seeking refugee status.
Back in May of this year I wrote a blog about the 10,000 unaccompanied child refugees who have disappeared since reaching Europe, travelling without the
Deirdre Walsh reports on making the journey to Calais as part of the Ireland Calais Refugee Solidarity convoy in October 2015.
In these days of ‘crisis’ summit meetings, ‘floods’ of migrants ‘swarming’ at borders, ‘security’ forces ‘overwhelmed’ and Europe facing an ‘unprecedented’ crisis, words take on
The 2015 tallies are in and visitors voted with their clicks as the results from the most popular blogs from the year are in. As
The refugee crisis in the Mediterranean presents inescapable issues and contradictions for exploration with children and young people in Ireland as the news became more
The experiences of people seeking refuge are near impossible to understand for those of us whose lives have never been disrupted by conflict. Who do
I decided to go in to the ‘refugees welcome’ protest last Saturday in Dublin, partly because I really care about this issue, partly because I
‘In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.’ – Martin Luther King Jr. The horrifying
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