Search Results for: register – Page 2

Extra-curricular Opportunities at Primary Level

Source: ECO-UNESCO 2018 Fancy organising a workshop? Many NGOs have members of staff who do outreach and education visits to schools as part of their education programmes (when you contact them make sure to highlight the fact that you are looking for an educational workshop rather than a fundraising one!

Hidden Profits: The EU’s role in supporting an unjust global tax system 2014

19 civil society organisations across Europe have examined their national governments’ commitments and actions towards combatting tax dodging, ensuring transparency and their attitude towards letting the poorest countries get a seat at the table when global tax standards are negotiated. For the first time, in this report, each country is

Songs of protest: The Man Don’t Give a F…

So, we were having the usual chats over lunch in the office and the subject of music came up – more specifically protest songs. There’s just something about them: everyone has their favourite. However, after discovering that one of the team (who shall remain nameless) hadn’t heard of Billy

The importance of Creativity for Change – and how to get involved

Jessica Carson, Co-ordinator of Creativity & Change, explores the importance of using creativity for change through sharing her journey and understanding of the relationship between creativity, learning and global citizenship. At Creativity & Change why do we think creativity is important? For the last 18 years my work has had

Debating the MDGs

This section includes a number of pieces that discuss and debate the MDGs per se and also other related issues: Do ‘Global Goals’ ever make a difference? – this piece from the UNDP Human Development Report for 2003 discusses the question and offers a number of examples of previous goals,

A Third World Perspective

“Peasants, indigenous peoples, and artisans who live outside the industrialised globalised economy, who have caused no harm to the earth or other people, are the worst victims of climate chaos. Over 96 percent of disaster-related deaths in recent years have taken place in developing countries.” Vandana Shiva Vandana Shiva is