‘Objects that Connect Us’ – Irish Global Solidarity in 100 Objects at Expo2020
It’s not every week that your work gets selected to join an international event such as the World Expos. World exhibitions, which first emerged in
It’s not every week that your work gets selected to join an international event such as the World Expos. World exhibitions, which first emerged in
The 2022 Our World Irish Aid Award theme ‘Wellbeing for People and Planet,’ invites primary teachers & pupils to progress the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development
Launched in February 2021, the Our World Irish Aid Award theme ‘Partnership for the Goals’ invites primary teachers and pupils to learn about the work of Irish Aid in partnership with others in over 130 countries to help progress the United Nations Global Goals for Sustainable Development.
Ireland’s programme has a history as well as a politics. We need to have some appreciation of these if we are to protect, support and even expand it, especially in what are likely to be rocky and difficult times in the years immediately ahead.
2020 marks the 15th year of the Our World Irish Aid Award. The anniversary theme, ‘A Better World,’ invites primary teachers and pupils to learn
Announcing the official launch of the 2019 Our World Irish Aid Awards for primary schools across the island of Ireland. “There are 7.6 billion people
Since the start of September, staff at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Irish Aid, Ireland’s overseas aid development programme, have been working
This blog was written to stimulate discussion at an Irish Development Education Association seminar in Dublin on 4th May 2016. It is based upon my
The 6 arguments were prepared by developmenteducation.ie as a discussion document toward the review of the Irish Aid Development Education Programme being conducted by GENE
Former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher died a month ago. But what’s her legacy? Was this champion of personal wealth, privatisation of state industry and
This week marks the 100th post since we launched the developmenteducation.ie blog just over a year ago. Thanks to all our readers and contributors for
This article is a response to Kevin Myers’ opinion piece on Friday, 5th October in The Irish Independent, titled: Why do we send money to
“Without forest we would have no access to clean water as the source of life …Forest is like the skin covering our body.” Chut Wutty
Image: Plantu (France). See our cartoon library for more Mention ‘Africa’, the ‘Developing World’ or ‘Poverty’ and sure enough, it’s yet another debate on ‘aid’,
Overseas aid agendas of governments and proposed cuts in real spending on aid budgets are under review across donor countries. The prolonged global recession, rising
“Every day you are helping the world’s poorest people” opens the summary of the Government White paper on Irish Aid. Irish Aid is the ‘Government
Africa Day, initiated by the African Union and supported by Irish Aid since 2008, falls on the 25th of May every year. To celebrate Africa
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