30 smeach chárta ar líne

Bia, cothú agus an domhan

Image © GT#4 via Flickr. Used under Public Domain.

 ‘Foods’ stands for diversity, nutrition, affordability, and safety. A greater diversity of nutritious foods should be available in our fields, in our markets, and on our tables, for the benefit of all.

As an annual event, World Food Day invites educators to explore our relationships in our food system and what can drive or deny access to healthy nutritious food based on the activities, roles and impact of countries in the world today.

A key feature of understanding the food insecurity is taking time to be aware of and understand more about drivers of insecurity and malnutrition, specifically conflict, climate variability and extremes, and economic slowdowns and downturns.

30 smeach chárta ar líne.

Arna léiriú ag Concern Worldwide, developmenteducation.ie, Scoilnet, Self Help Africa agus developmenteducation.ie

This World Food Day series is brought to you by Concern Worldwide, Scoilnet, Self Help Africa and developmenteducation.ie


Scríofa ag Tony Daly le Patrick Coffey, Moira Lambe, Dorothy Jacob agus Lauren Wright.

Arna tháirgeadh ag:


Tuilleadh faoi developmenteducation.ie