Teachers & Educators

Materials and guides for educators in formal and non-formal education.

Ceartas aeráide

Is gluaiseacht é an ceartas aeráide a adhmhaíonn go bhfuil iarmhairtí sóisialta agus eacnamaíochta agus bagairt ar shláinte poiblí ag baint leis an athrú aeráide. Ní hamháin go bhfuil na hiarmhairtí seo ann, ach siad i bhfad níos measa sa chuid den domhan atá i mbéal forbartha. Níl an neamhionnanas seo ceart ná cóir. Mar sin, is gá le stráitéisí maolaithe agus oiriúnaithe fadtéarmacha.

Our Actions are Our Future – World Food Day 2021 in the classroom

October 16th is World Food Day, an international day celebrated every year to commemorate the founding of the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation. Ciara Regan introduces a range of activities to get you started on teaching the issues, the debates and key ideas around World Food Day

Teaching update – Chocolate, Choice and Child Labour

A summary for teachers and educators with key ideas, debates and activities relating to the chocolate industry, ethical food production such as Fairtrade and the ongoing realities of child labour in the cocoa trade, by Colm Regan

‘What matters?’ A guide to anti-racism education

2020 has been a year like no other, in particular as a result of the Black Lives Matter movement in the US and its subsequent impact on race issues globally. Toni Pyke unpacks the moment and presents an educator’s guide, having witnessed the realities of racial segregation in South Africa.