Teachers & Educators
Materials and guides for educators in formal and non-formal education.

Roundup – creating effective development education resources for adult and community sector education learning spaces
A round-up of ideas, trends and entry points for anyone interested in producing Development Education / global citizenship education resources in adult and community education contexts

10 ideas to continue your global citizenship journey – Part 3
Covid-19 highlights the importance of our Global Citizenship and Development Education. A 3-part series.

10 ideas to continue your global citizenship journey – Part 2
Covid-19 highlights the importance of our Global Citizenship and Development Education. The second in a 3-part series, Colm Regan introduces 3 teaching strategies for adapting and exploring with learners

10 ideas to continue your global citizenship journey – Part 1
Covid-19 highlights the importance of our Global Citizenship and Development Education. The first in a 3-part series, Colm Regan introduces 3 teaching strategies for adapting and exploring with learners

Bringing World Food Day to the classroom
Ciara Regan introduces five quick-fire activities to get you started on teaching the issues, the debates and key ideas around World Food Day on October 16th.

‘All of me was learning, not just my mind…’: reflecting on study visits and immersion programmes in development education
This guide explores many of the issues involved in study visits and immersion programmes; it offers practical suggestions and ideas for organising them as well as for reflecting on them.

Getting started with global issues – a primary level guide
Photo: © Clifton Rooney (2017) www.developmenteducation.ie hosts a wide range of materials and resources that cover diverse global development themes and issues. These are presented through a variety of media

50 Picturebooks to Change the World
Thérèse Hegarty and Patricia Kennon explore picturebooks in learning contexts and how they encourage discussions of friendship, conflict, struggle, norms, points of view, difference and injustice in a distanced way, therefore allowing sensitive issues to be discussed without direct disclosures about the children’s own lives.