Search Results for: "poverty+porn" – Page 8

Wood of Life Exhibition

The Wood of Life is a hands-on, interactive exhibition for schools, libraries and other education facilities. The exhibition also makes direct links to many of the Sustainable Development Goals

GOAL Changemakers Resources

GOAL have made their Changemakers programme accessible and easy to use. You can choose from any of the following ways to participate, in English or as Gaeilge: Changemakers Lessons: Curriculum-linked, classroom-ready resources are available for 1st – 6th classes. You and your pupils will be guided through our Changemakers programme

Learning about Human Rights in the Primary School

This activity pack is divided into two sections: five activities for 5-7 year olds and five for 7-11 year olds. Most of the activities only require printing out some resource sheets, while some others require a sports hall, oranges or some paper plates for example. The activities are as follows:


About is an online resource focused on the unequal and unjust shape of the world today. It offers resources to stimulate debate and discussion about the issues and challenges we face and which encourage us to make decisions about the type of world we need and want to create. It

Cartoon satire of ‘development’

What is ‘development’? What is done in the name of development? Who ‘does’ development and who is it done to? These are just some of the questions explored in a cartoon book launched earlier this year in India by the charity Survival: the movement for tribal peoples. The cartoon book

The “Girl Effect” and women’s rights

The “Girl Effect” and women’s rights Whether you agree with it or not the “girl effect” has become something of a phenomenon and popular catchphrase among international economic development projects since the Nike Foundation launched the initiative in 2008. ‘You start the girl effect’, the website proclaims, with the girl

How to Write About Africa

First appearing in 2005 in issue 92, Granta magazine published ‘The View from Africa’ – a collection of memoir and reportage that sought to challenge the all too typical labelling and mono-symbolism drenched on the continent of Africa as a single homogenous place where everybody is the same. It may

The One Percent-ers

Can you name the wealthiest person in the world, or how about five of the top twenty?

The sharp end of a global food system

Drought and famine are not extreme events. They are not anomalies. They are merely the sharp end of a global food system that is built on inequality, imbalances and – ultimately – fragility. And they are the regular upshot of a climate that is increasingly hostile and problematic for food

International Women’s Day 2012

Today is the 101st International Women’s Day! First emerging as a day of celebration from the activities of labour movements at the turn of the twentieth century in North America and across Europe, socialist movements in various countries sought to champion women’s rights at the turn of the 20th century

The Poor Against the Powerful

Here’s a short article I wrote on ‘food dumping’ that is cross-posted from Eco-Age, an online UK magazine which covers a wide range of areas including ecological analysis, socially responsible shopping and sustainable fashion. It looks at how food aid doesn’t always do what it is supposed to, with often

Fancy yourself as an international development journalist?

Fancy yourself as a bit of a journalist? Do you have an interest in international development? Or maybe you are just fed up of the media’s portrayal of the developing world. Either way, this competition could be right up your street! For the last 4 years, British newspaper, the Guardian

Campaigners can still learn from the Abolition of Slavery

In an excellent post on the history of campaigning, Max Lawson, Oxfam’s head of advocacy, reflects on what today’s campaigners on the Robin Hood Tax (or pretty much anything else) can learn from the anti-slavery movement. Cross-posted from Duncan Green’s From Poverty to Power blog. A global industry, dominated by

The Carbon Map

Welcome to The Carbon Map (click to view). Its aim: to make sense of climate change responsibility and vulnerability. The site uses interactive cartograms (maps distorted to reflect a dataset) to convey how different countries fit into the climate change picture – both causes and risks. It was created as

Her Zimbabwe – Her voice. Her revolution.

‘Her Zimbabwe is an alternative platform for Zimbabwean women to articulate their stories no matter what their background, no matter what their story. We want to hear the authentic voice of each and every woman in Zimbabwe, we want to count everyone. We want to say ‘here we are, here

Development choices: pizza and water politics

Water is part of any production process. We need it to grow apples, as well as produce a packet of crisps. The amount of water needed in this process depends where we are because climate and agricultural practices will be the most important players. The theme at the centre of

To be saved from or saved by the International AIDS Conference?

The 19th International AIDS Conference (IAC) is being held this week in Washington, bringing together the world’s HIV and AIDS stakeholders in order to try to shape the global response to the epidemic. The world needs effective action and leadership to ‘Turn the Tide Together’ against HIV and AIDS, according

Arms, ‘consensus’ and human development

Source: IMG_5419 by controlarms, Flickr I don’t know about yours but my dictionary suggests that the word consensus means ‘general agreement’ or ‘majority opinion’.  The reason I raise the issue is that over the past month, negotiators from some 170 countries have been discussing a UN arms treaty, which needed

What’s in a …Blog?

As someone who remembers what it means to ‘put pen to paper’, being asked to write for a blog at first drew a total blank.  Everyone has heard of ‘ blog,’ ‘blogger,’ ‘blogging’ and whatever else blog associated there is in ‘blogosphere.’ Yet, have we ever stopped to think what