Solving the climate crisis means ending our addiction to economic growth
De-growth in the Global North will not work unless it is done alongside reparations for the Global South
Education Advisory Panel – call for members
Are you involved in education work and interested in joining our Education Advisory Panel? We are seeking new members from people active in formal or non-formal education roles.
Water is life! World Food Day round-up 2023
The World Food Day round-up includes new features and interactives for teaching and learning based on key drivers of world hunger today.
A 5-point starter guide to doing global citizenship education
Are you an educator looking to explore global issues but unsure where to begin? Then this 5-point list is the list you’ve been waiting for.
Workshop: A teachers’ guidebook to ‘greenwashing’
Author of the teacher’s guidebook, Rachel Elizabeth Kendrick, will lead a session on the 3 big ideas and teaching methods published as a 3-part series.
Episode 6: ‘A lot of it is questioning…all the time’ – Fiona King
In this episode, Ciara Regan catches up with visual arts educator Fiona King from the National College of Art and Design (NCAD)
3 countries who used COVID-19 restrictions as a weapon against social justice
Kai Evans explores how governments used COVID-19 restrictions for the wrong reasons.
COVID-19 Vaccine Inequality: a shot in the arm for Africa
COVID-19 vaccine inequality remains, despite many of us returning to a form of ‘normality.’ Kai Evans finds out why.
Protecting the civil society space – 5 lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic
Kai Evans reviews lessons learned from the pandemic about protecting civil society space during a crisis.
I don’t know what the answer is, but we need to keep having these conversations
As educators (in whatever context you are in), how do you challenge misogyny, when facts are no longer sacred, and challenge popular opinion? Ciara reflects on International Women’s Day