COVID-19 Vaccine Inequality: a shot in the arm for Africa
COVID-19 vaccine inequality remains, despite many of us returning to a form of ‘normality.’ Kai Evans finds out why.
COVID-19 vaccine inequality remains, despite many of us returning to a form of ‘normality.’ Kai Evans finds out why.
Gina Dorso explores the main outcomes of Progressive International’s Summit for Vaccine Internationalism and what can be done
This week, Oxfam released their annual wealth check report, Public Good or Private Wealth?, highlighting the concentration of the world’s wealth. As you have probably
Catriona O’Connor’s blog is a runner up in the 2017 Trinity College Dublin and developmenteducation.ie Development Issues blog series The topic of development is one
Dillon Hennessy’s blog is a runner up in the 2017 Trinity College Dublin and developmenteducation.ie Development Issues blog series What is development? Does it matter?
1. Still The Most Shocking Second A Day Video (child refugees) Following on from their most shocking
It always was and still is one of the most useful and telling introductory development education activities as it tells us a lot about people’s
Earlier this month, you may have seen our top 10 good news stories from 2013 we published. What follows covers some aspects of the other
This six-minute video animation is currently doing the rounds online and builds on the pioneering research by economists Michael Norton and Dan Ariely about American
The honour bestowed in carrying the flame, kindled by eleven women using the light of the Sun, its rays concentrated by a parabolic mirror in
Last week the 3 hour documentary Titanic: The Final Word with James Cameron aired on television, thanks to the National Geographic, boasting the latest data
It would take 4.4 earths for there to be enough for everybody to consume as much as the average American. ‘Counting the Cost,’ a news
Charles Dickens was a masterful storyteller of social problems of his day who challenged Victorian aristocracy and elites to journey into workhouses and slums through his novels
Can you name the wealthiest person in the world, or how about five of the top twenty?
21st Century Development animation that accompanied Bill Gate’s speech By Gentleman Scholar and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Last month Bill Gates delivered a
A few weeks ago we were treated to a letter by the The Irish Times’ new editor, Kevin O’Sullivan, welcoming the soon-to-take place birth of
The “Girl Effect” and women’s rights Whether you agree with it or not the “girl effect” has become something of a phenomenon and popular catchphrase
In a world of obscene inequality we like to think things are getting better and, in some areas, things are indeed improving – literacy, girl’s
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