Join us for the online launch of Education, Action, Solidarity, NOW! An Audit of Development Education and Global Citizenship Education Resources in Ireland 2017-2020.
“The third audit of development education and global citizenship education resources in Ireland draws on resources identified during the four-year period 2017 – 2020. A number of key events, updates and contexts in development and education have impacted on the style, content and focus areas of resource developments. Taken together, these events paint a picture of huge change, incremental progress and hostility towards the 2030 agenda for sustainable development. It has also been an era of pushback and resistance underwritten by regular access to and engagement from development education (DE) practitioners and programmes.”
What does the footprint of 4 years of learning resources during the first trimester of the Sustainable Development Goals agenda look like?
What are the gaps, trends and findings from the 202 resource projects included? What themes dominated? …or did not? What has been the impact of trends such as gamification and the ‘Greta Effect’?
Join the authors for a lunchtime launch of the third study of development education and global citizenship education resources in Ireland launching this timely new baseline and discussing the 9 recommendations in formal and non-formal education in Ireland.
Time: 1pm – 1:30pm
Date: Friday 9th September 2022
Venue: register for the online launch via Zoom
Format: short presentation and questions & answers
Speakers: Tony Daly and Ciara Regan
Note: For a longer ‘hands-on’ session on the impact of resources and the Code of Good Practice for Development Education register for the workshop Production, Impact and Continuous Learning: Let’s talk ‘resources’… co-hosted with the Irish Development Education Association on Wednesday 14th September from 12 midday – 1.30pm

About the speakers
Tony Daly and Ciara Regan are the lead authors of Education, Action, Solidarity, NOW! An Audit of Development Education and Global Citizenship Education Resources in Ireland 2017-2020 by and have been involved in the previous editions of the audit in 2016 and 2013.
About the Resources Audit Project
This study is part of the ongoing research agenda to monitor, evaluate and
take stock of development education (DE) / global citizenship education
(GCE) learning resources production in Ireland:
- 2012-13 Phase 1: research and publication of the audit of development education resources published between 2000–2012 and 2013-14 circulation and active engagement of the audit across education sectors, including publication of Guidelines for Producing Development Education Resources (2014) by, Dóchas and the Irish Development Education Association.
- 2013-16 Phase 2: updating of the audit and taking stock of audit exercise in intervening four-year period of 2013–2016 inclusive.
- 2017-20 Phase 3: circulation, promotion and active engagement of the Phase 2 audit across education sectors, updating of the audit and taking stock of audit exercise in intervening four-year period of 2017–2020.
About is an online resource for teachers, educators, change makers and learners focused on the unequal and unjust shape of the world today. is led by a consortium of organisations including Aidlink, Concern Worldwide, the Irish Development Education Association, the National Youth Council of Ireland, Self Help Africa, Trócaire and 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World, and is part-funded by Irish Aid at the Department of Foreign Affairs. Irish Aid is the Government’s overseas development programme which supports partners working in some of the world’s poorest countries.