Monitoring & Evaluation

Data is important to us.

web trends banner supports a working group that monitors and reviews how the website is performing and responding to the needs of website users on a regular basis.

Activities by the working group include:

The Education Advisory Panel (EAP) meets twice a year and includes practicing educators across all education sectors on a 2-year term

An annual survey collects feedback as well as on the resources library

An annual survey collects direct feedback. We also invite members to respond on the usage of the the resources library

Sharing trend data with our wider users and resource producers is a reflection of how we work. Whether to be used for internal discussions, as part of designing development education programmes in Ireland or for research purposes shares data on the broad trends.

Summary trend reports on activities from the programme and website published annually:

Current members of the monitoring and evaluation working group: Dylan Creane, Ciara Regan and Tony Daly.


An external evaluation of the recent three year programme phase  (Jan 2013 – Dec 2015) was conducted by Áine Fortune in early 2016, which includes a range of case studies, findings and recommendations.

Graphic: statistical summary trends on 2013-15 (2016) p4-5 of Evaluation 2013-15: An Executive Summary,
Graphic: statistical summary trends on 2013-15 (2016) p4-5 of Evaluation 2013-15: An Executive Summary,

Download the Executive Summary of the external evaluation (2016), which includes:


  • ‘in their own words..’ sample of views gathered during the evaluation during focus group interviews
  • background to the project and methodology
  • 11 case studies on achievements
  • Key findings and challenges of the review: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability
  • 13 recommendations
  • Monitoring and evaluation framework, analysis and progress

More information: