Resource Title

5:50:500 or How the World Rewards The Rich at the Expense of the Poor…and Where We Fit In!


A CD-based development education resource that explores over 130 human rights and development related topics.

Resource Details


The CD resource 5:50:500 graphically explores a range of local and international topics from trade and trade related issues to human rights, women’s rights and international human rights instruments and agreements; environment and sustainable development; wealth and poverty; injustice and inequality; views of the world as well as education and health.

It includes over 75 up-to-date briefing papers that are in simple and accessible language that define terms; present background information; explore theories and viewpoints as well as providing annotated links to other directly relevant sources of additional information.

5:50:500 includes suggested activities for using the resource in an educational setting through suggestions for structured discussions and debates; drama and role play; using cartoons and photos; in art; in taking action of various kinds; in music; in developing wallpapers and posters as well as in using the internet etc.

About the concept of 5:50:500

5: Every year, for the past 10 years aid given to the Developing World by non-governmental agencies (voluntary aid) has amounted to at least $5 billion. Estimates vary from a low of $5 billion to a high of $15 billion, so we have chosen the lower figure.

50: Every year for the past 10 years aid given to the Developing World by governments (official aid) has amounted to at least $50 billion. The actual figures vary considerably year by year from $50 billion in 2000 to $105 billion in 2007, so we have chosen the lower figure.

500: Every year over the past 10 years, the Developing World loses an average of $500 billion as a result of the operation of the current unjust international economic system. The figure for 2007 was $792 billion, the estimate for 2008 $895 billion, so we have chosen the lower figure.

Big Ideas in this Resource

5: Every year, for the past 10 years aid given to the Developing World by non-governmental agencies (voluntary aid) has amounted to at least $5 billion. Estimates vary from a low of $5 billion to a high of $15 billion, so we have chosen the lower figure.

50: Every year for the past 10 years aid given to the Developing World by governments (official aid) has amounted to at least $50 billion. The actual figures vary considerably year by year from $50 billion in 2000 to $105 billion in 2007, so we have chosen the lower figure.

500: Every year over the past 10 years, the Developing World loses an average of $500 billion as a result of the operation of the current unjust international economic system. The figure for 2007 was $792 billion, the estimate for 2008 $895 billion, so we have chosen the lower figure.

Further reading:

UNDP Human Development Reports

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