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Explore this key baseline on teaching materials from Ireland that were produced during the first 4 years of the SDGs.
Launched in September 2022, the third ‘audit’ of resources produced from Ireland on global issues for educational use is the largest in its scope and size to date.
Quickly find resources from our library that are relevant to each of the Sustainable Development Goals, 1 through 17.
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Our World Awards
“Everyone in the world has an important role to play in fighting global poverty and creating a better world. Taking part

The Primary Climate Justice Tree
The Climate Justice Tree resources, introduced by CJ the climate justice bee, include: A short educator’s guide to the resource materials

Worldwise Global Schools Guide to Ethical Communications
This short guide includes 5 steps with checklists to support quick-reflections by educators and their students to print-off and use straight

Globalisation: The Youth and The Truth
The activities in this youth work resource are intended to provide support in exploring and building our understanding of globalisation and

Global Rights, Noble Goals: Refugees, Migration, The Sustainable Development Goals And Youth
Global Rights, Noble Goals seeks to put the plight of refugees and the drivers of migration into a wider political context

Questions Matter: Building confidence in critical thinking for today’s media and digital world
This magazine is written for adults to help you become more confident in your critical thinking for today’s media and digital

Facts Matter: A Guide to Building Critical Media Literacy in Today’s World
We are bombarded everyday by information, a lot of which is false or misleading – this is often called an ‘infodemic’.

Place, Politics and Power: A Financial Justice Walking Tour of the IFSC, Dublin
Place, Politics and Power provides talking points for ten locations in the IFSC in Dublin. This resource from Financial Justice Ireland

International Development and Development Education: Challenging the Dominant Economic Paradigm
The report presents the findings of research into the sectors’ attention to the current dominant economic system, i.e. neoliberalism/’free market’ economics,

Just Tax: A Global Education Toolkit for teaching and learning about tax justice
Just Tax from Financial Justice Ireland is an introduction to the topic of tax and tax justice. The activities were developed