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Aboriginal Tribes

The broad term Aboriginal Australians includes many regional groups that often identify under names from local Aboriginal languages. These include: Koori (or Koorie) in New South Wales and Victoria Ngunnawal in the Australian Capital Territory and surrounding areas of New South Wales Murri in Queensland Murrdi Southwest and Central Queensland

The American Holocaust

The ‘American Holocaust’ The genocide against the indigenous population of the United States of America spanned over four Centuries, beginning with the discovery of the ‘new world’ by the Spanish in 1492 and continuing with the early settlers to that ‘NewWorld’. In 1830 the Indian Removal Act was introduced as

200:1 – Human Rights

Maternal mortality rates per 100,000 births are one of the most sensitive indicators of the ‘human rights’ balance sheet for women. The average maternal mortality rate for 2008 for those 5 countries with the highest rates (Afghanistan, Chad, Somalia, Guinea Bissau and Liberia was 1158 per 100,000 births. The equivalent

Disasters such as earthquakes, floods, famine and war often occur when people least expect them. When such disasters strike, immediate action is needed to save lives. This website sets out how Irish aid agencies and the Irish government respond to emergencies, and it presents some of the basic principles of

How many Africans?

It always was and still is one of the most useful and telling introductory development education activities as it tells us a lot about people’s perceptions of the world.  Imagining a world of 100 people and dividing it percentage wise between key regions and then discussing and debating a given

Climate Justice and Climate Change

What is climate change? The term ‘climate change’ has been with us since the early part of the 19th century when scientists sought to define natural changes in the earth’s atmosphere and the discovery of the greenhouse effect. In the later part of the century the link between human actions

My ‘walking the talk’ moment on our environment

Having lived for years in African countries and loving the wonderful sunny climates there, I became very negative towards Ireland’s natural environment and was very cynical and irritated when people would constantly comment about how ‘green’ Ireland is. Of course it is – it’s always raining. The opportunities for glimpsing

28,000 rubber ducks continue to tell a tale of plastic

20 years later, yellow plastic rubber ducks are still appearing on our beaches having been part of a consignment of 28,000 of them lost at sea from a ship on its way from Hong Kong to the US.  Since 1992 these yellow ducks have bobbed their way halfway around the

‘Redrawing and re-writing’ World War 1 cartoonist Brick (aka John Clark) has teamed up with co-editor Jonathan Clode and 51 other contributors and graphic artists (including this author) to deliver a graphic anthology of 27 short stories on the First World War – To End All Wars  to be published July 2014 by Soaring Penguin.


The choices we make every day effect how the world is the way it is, and why things are the way they are. The consumption animations seek to question the underlying relationships between ‘us’ as consumers, ‘them’ as producers

A bad year for bad guys

2011 was a year of extraordinary people-powered resistance, starting with the ‘Arab Spring’ and spreading across many parts of the world. How did this resistance work so well? In this 11 minute piece, Srdja Popovic (who led the nonviolent movement that took down Milosevic in Serbia in 2000) analyses the

What’s in a …Blog?

As someone who remembers what it means to ‘put pen to paper’, being asked to write for a blog at first drew a total blank.  Everyone has heard of ‘ blog,’ ‘blogger,’ ‘blogging’ and whatever else blog associated there is in ‘blogosphere.’ Yet, have we ever stopped to think what


Learning Outcomes Define Sustainability. Give five examples of sustainable activities – e.g. building, farming, energy, etc. Outline the link between climate change and sustainability. Give an example of Sustainable Development Aid and Emergency Aid. Research two organisations that provide Sustainable Development Aid and Emergency Aid. Understand concepts of Carbon Footprint,

Songs of protest: The Man Don’t Give a F…

So, we were having the usual chats over lunch in the office and the subject of music came up – more specifically protest songs. There’s just something about them: everyone has their favourite. However, after discovering that one of the team (who shall remain nameless) hadn’t heard of Billy

Trends Report: Top 20 resources of 2018

The results are in from the most accessed resources of 2018 in the resources library, and the findings cover teaching packs, learning resources, videos and more

Bringing World Food Day to the classroom

Ciara Regan introduces five quick-fire activities to get you started on teaching the issues, the debates and key ideas around World Food Day on October 16th.

Empathy – Who Cares Anyway?

Brighid Golden explores the concepts of sympathy, empathy and selective empathy and how to explore these in your teaching spaces.

Issues night: Child labour

Celtic Youth Bray runs it’s infamous ‘issues night’- an experiential event where youth members (aged 12 – 16) role play the lives of people from other places in the world.

Ethical Consumption = Fair Trade?

Whenever ethical consumption is mentioned, the first thing that crosses many people’s minds is ‘fair trade’. But ethical consumption is about much more than fair trade products. It is about consciously evaluating the consumption choices you make – deciding whether or not to buy locally-produced products versus imported ones, whether

The Bosnian Genocide

Conflict between the three main ethnic groups – Serbs, Croats and Muslims (Bosniacs) in the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, resulted in genocide committed by the Serbs against the Muslims between 1992 and 1995. Under the leadership of Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, over 200,000 Muslim civilians were systematically murdered with a further

Empower Girls – Is the World Girl-Friendly?

Setting up a mini NGO to promote MDG No. 2 – Education for all, our three Transition Year groups participated in the schools network project organised by Schools Across Borders (SAB) during the 2013/2014 school term. As a justice-oriented Development Education (DE) project, the students started their research and reflection


Associations regularly participates in a range of activities and associations across the development education sector in Ireland. These include: Assembly member, Ubuntu Network Quality and Impact Working Group member, the Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) Baseline data project participant, the Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) Education Panel member, Worldwise

What you can do

5 MDG Things To Do Organise an MDG-focused event in your school/youth club (an assembly, workshop (s), peer education) Participate in the MDG Youth Forum (tbc: Nov 2005) Organise/deliver an art-focused MDG project in your school/community, document the process and share it Lobbying on the follow-up to the 2005 UN

Sanitation Lags

“In our multimedia world, news reports inundate us everywhere and at any time. For example, as of 2007, there were 2.5 billion mobile phones in use. The same year, iTunes music sales exceed 2.5 billion. For its Olympic effort, China planted 2.5 billion trees in 2008. Carbon dioxide emissions from

The Armenian Genocide

“The Ottoman Empire should be cleaned up of the Armenians…” Young Turk leader Enver Pasha in 1916 From 1915 to 1917 the Muslim Young Turk regime of the Ottoman Empire carried out a systematic, premeditated, centrally planned genocide against the Christian Armenian minority. The genocide began with the mass slaughter