Search Results for: zero%20hunger – Page 4

Learning about Human Rights in the Primary School

This activity pack is divided into two sections: five activities for 5-7 year olds and five for 7-11 year olds. Most of the activities only require printing out some resource sheets, while some others require a sports hall, oranges or some paper plates for example. The activities are as follows:

Irish Aid Global Citizenship Education Strategy 2021-2025

Following an extensive consultation process with educators in formal, non-formal education, including with youth groups, community organisations and stakeholder bodies and organisations, this strategy document builds on the learning and progress achieved from previous strategies. The strategy’s role is outlined by Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney T.D in his

Gamification – a short guide

Screenshot from Project Honduras. Produced by Trócaire. Gamification is a word we are seeing more and more in education, but what is it, what are its benefits, and how can you get involved? After attending Trócaire’s Game Changers event last year, Kai Evans takes us through // What is ‘gamification’?

Shifting the Lens on Ethical Communications in Global Development: A Focus on NGDOs in Ireland

Concerns about the ways in which issues, peoples and places have been represented in global development (GD) communications have been raised since the 1980s. Criticisms have been levelled at media and non-governmental development organisations (NGDOs), including for their portrayal of colonial stereotypes, ‘us’ and ‘them’ binary relationships and identities, and