Search Results for: "poverty+porn" – Page 13

The Human Implications

“the shock of finding, in a village with a text book community water project, a young woman with her baby on her back, digging in a river bed metres away from the safe supply we had provided. She was doing this because she had to choose between buying food or

The Millennium Development Goals

We now have less than 6 years to go to meet the challenges of the Millennium Development Goals. The water and sanitation crisis, if inappropriately managed, can prevent and undermine the progress made thus far in reducing poverty, in achieving universal primary education and in improving people’s primary health. Even

Issues – The Stolen Generation, The Apology, Reparation and Compensation

Introduction While advances have been made in the past couple of years, there is still along way to go before the unique needs of Indigenous people are recognised and true reconciliation is achieved in Australia. The fact remains that on nearly all social indicators, Aboriginals in Australia fall drastically below

The American Holocaust

The ‘American Holocaust’ The genocide against the indigenous population of the United States of America spanned over four Centuries, beginning with the discovery of the ‘new world’ by the Spanish in 1492 and continuing with the early settlers to that ‘NewWorld’. In 1830 the Indian Removal Act was introduced as

Step 2

Stimulating thinking and ideas about human rights Aim To build upon the understanding gained from Step 1. To discuss individual rights and ‘groupings’ of rights. To discuss why rights exist and what they seek to protect and promote. To explore the idea of rights in conflict. Activity 4: Groups of

Federal tsunami aid hits $425-million… as cash woes hurt African AIDS fight

By Stephanie NolenWednesday, January 12, 2005, page A2 JOHANNESBURG — Mercy Otim has watched the international fundraising for tsunami relief with a sense of awe teetering on disbelief. Ms. Otim, 37, is a Kenyan activist in the Pan-African Treatment Access Movement. She devotes her considerable energy to raising funds

Gender and natural disasters

Gender and natural disasters: Why we should be focusing on a gender perspective of the Tsunami disaster By Rochelle Jones December 26, 2004 will be etched forever in the minds of millions of people around the world. Hundreds of thousands of people have been directly affected by the Tsunamis that

Disasters Fund would help reach real goals

20 Jan 2005Source: AlertNet Ben Wisner, a hazards specialist at the London School of Economics, spoke to AlertNet on the third day of the World Conference on Disaster Reduction in Kobe, Japan. AN: Nearly a month after the Indian Ocean tsunami, plans are afoot for the creation of a global

The longer view

WASHINGTON The deadly tsunami in Asia struck with little warning, and so did the eruption of criticism over aid levels that followed. The critical press coverage was a surprise because disaster relief has popular support and has rarely been a controversial part of the aid budget. It is far harder

Are you ready for World Food Day 2018?

Tuesday next week, the 16th October, is World Food Day. Toni Pyke sketches out the background to the international day and introduces a new #ZeroHunger series, brought to you by the Professional Development Support Service for Teachers (PDST),, Concern Worldwide and Self Help Africa. World Food Day (WFD) commemorates

Launching 10 Myths About World Hunger – sorting facts from fiction

Today is World Food Day and we are delighted to launch a new pocket-booklet, 10 Myths About World Hunger as part of a new series that looks to sort facts from fiction on key global development, human rights and justice issues. Check out the quick guide to lesson plan ideas

Expert Commentaries

Below are a number of expert commentaries about the vulnerabilities of women: Edith Ng’oma works with the Forum for African Women Educationalists of Zambia, an NGO advocating for change in the Zambian education system and more broadly on the needs of girls and women. Dr. Carolyn Bolton works with CIDRZ

Women, HIV and AIDS in Zambia

The feminisation of HIV and AIDS 14.3% of the Zambian adult population is estimated to be infected with the HIV virus It is estimated that 1.6% (82,681 people) of the Zambian adult population are newly infected with HIV each year For every two people who start antiretroviral therapy, an estimated

Introducing the new

The new is all about teachable moments – in crisis, in opportunities and in education for change, now in the era of Sustainable Development Goals, extreme inequalities and human-induced climate shocks.

Leave No One Behind: Our World Irish Aid Awards 2019

The 2019 theme ‘Leave No One Behind,’ invites teachers and pupils to learn about the Global Goals and the work of Irish Aid in partner countries.  Schools are supported with: Child-friendly resources, like the very popular 12-page pupil’s magazine Curriculum-linked teaching materials to help teachers deliver across the primary curriculum

‘Leave No One Behind’ – launch of the Our World Irish Aid Awards 2019

Announcing the official launch of the 2019 Our World Irish Aid Awards for primary schools across the island of Ireland. “There are 7.6 billion people in the world; 617 million young people who do not have basic mathematical, reading and writing skills; 57 million primary school aged children are not

Trends Report: Top 20 resources of 2018

The results are in from the most accessed resources of 2018 in the resources library, and the findings cover teaching packs, learning resources, videos and more