Search Results for: zero hunger/register – Page 3

Confirming Hope

“Explores how Confirmation can play a key part in the development of global citizens in Ireland and examines how God, through Confirmation, can help and equip us to help to be more active citizens” The teaching resource Confirming Hope: Is split into 4 sessions that each includes: an SDG, Team

Millennium Development Goals

In 2000 the UN Millennium Declaration was adopted at the largest ever meeting of heads of state and committed those countries – rich and poor – to doing all they could to eradicate poverty. Promote human dignity and equality and achieve peace, democracy and environmental sustainability. World leaders agreed to

Junior Cycle User Guide

Development education is a cross curricular activity. That’s not to say that it can’t be taught in a single subject area – many teachers use DE as part of completing curriculum strands or as stimulus material for energising students or building class projects. DE can be flexibly used in many

11 Key International Reports – a guide

Obtaining up-to-date information, facts, figures as well as case studies and viewpoints on important current development and human rights issues has never been easier. Apart from being available on the Internet, such materials are easily accessed through a number of important international reports which are published annually or bi-annually. This

Your company’s data could help end world hunger

Your company might have donated money to help solve humanitarian issues, but you could have something even more useful to offer: your data. Mallory Freeman shows us how private sector companies can help make real progress on big problems.

Josette Sheeran – Ending hunger now

Josette Sheeran, the head of the UN’s World Food Program, talks about why, in a world with enough food for everyone, people still go hungry, still die of starvation, still use food as a weapon of war

Using Resources to Explore Issues

This section provides ideas and methodologies for using various types of resources, such as photographs and political cartoons, to explore a range of issues in an accessible manner. In this section: Political Cartoons Photographs Maps Statistics International Reports Case Studies Information Technology Using political cartoons in development and human rights

Mini-NGOs in Schools

The Mini-NGOs in schools initiative is part of the Global Citizens Network Project in 2013-14. Less Charity – more Justice!We wanted to move beyond ‘charitable’ actions (such as fundraising and one-way notions of “us helping them”) and instead focus on social justice with proper reflection and engagement involving exchanges with


Short film by Caoimhe Butterly with testimonies from people stuck in indefinite limbo in Vasilika refugee camp in Northern Greece. Raneem and Leila, Ella, Mohammed and Hassan talk about their journeys, their hopes, frustrations and experiences of ongoing injustice.

Education for Sustainable Development Goals – learning objectives

“To create a more sustainable world and to engage with issues related to sustainability as described in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), individuals must become sustainability change-makers. They require the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that empower them to contribute to sustainable development. Education is thus crucial for the achievement

Gamification – a short guide

Screenshot from Project Honduras. Produced by Trócaire. Gamification is a word we are seeing more and more in education, but what is it, what are its benefits, and how can you get involved? After attending Trócaire’s Game Changers event last year, Kai Evans takes us through // What is ‘gamification’?

The sharp end of a global food system

Drought and famine are not extreme events. They are not anomalies. They are merely the sharp end of a global food system that is built on inequality, imbalances and – ultimately – fragility. And they are the regular upshot of a climate that is increasingly hostile and problematic for food

One World One Future: Irelands policy for international development

“When the White Paper on Irish Aid was published in 2006, it brought Ireland’s contribution to the fight against global poverty and hunger to the centre of our foreign policy – where it rightly belongs. The White Paper enabled us to consolidate our work, and today we have an aid