Punching above its weight
Juan Acevedo-Ossa explores South Africa’s case against Israel as the latest example of its ability to act as a normative superpower, exceeding the great powers in shaping global moral discourse.
Juan Acevedo-Ossa explores South Africa’s case against Israel as the latest example of its ability to act as a normative superpower, exceeding the great powers in shaping global moral discourse.
Kai Evans reviews lessons learned from the pandemic about protecting civil society space during a crisis.
3 key ‘sportswashing’ issues the Qatar World Cup hosts don’t want you to know. A list, by Kai Evans.
Explore a brief timeline marking 36 moments and events with richly diverse stories of African struggle, unity and solidarity for over 140 years.
Procurement, business operations abroad, objects and holding companies account. A 6-point guide on business and human rights by Tony Daly
Follow the Human Rights Day 2020 live-blog for happenings and activities throughout the day during a time of unprecedented change during the first year of a Covid-19 world
Navika Mehta reports from the first MASI conference from October, sharing 5 key lessons
A new CIVICUS Monitor Report highlights the fact that 6 in 10 countries now seriously repress civic freedoms. CIVICUS, the global alliance of civil society
Colm Regan presents 10 resources to explore International Women’s Day, celebrated globally every year on March 8th. IWD was created in 1910 but only recognised
Wow! What a year it’s been so far, and judging by the daily news feeds across mainstream and social media – ‘it ‘ain’t over, not
Back in May of this year I wrote a blog about the 10,000 unaccompanied child refugees who have disappeared since reaching Europe, travelling without the
‘The Syrian people wonder why the world is silent, and ask: ‘Why does the world punish us with its silence? What did we do wrong
“Whatever mourns when many leave these shores; Whatever shares The eternal reciprocity of tears.” – Insensibility by Wilfred Owen (October 1917) Wilfred Owen’s poem dwells
The Guardian newspaper captured the essence of the issue in its editorial of April 21st: ‘A proud father who is fleeing persecution, a mother who
On a bright and sunny Saturday afternoon this March tens of thousands of protesters descended on the streets of Dublin all in the name of
On the eve of International Women’s Day, I boarded a plane at Entebbe airport bound for my first stop in Doha. As I approached row
It’s been a startling fortnight for anyone that blogs, writes, doodles or puts pen (and pencil!) to power. This afternoon, inhumane and degrading punishment was
“The Girls of Kajiado’ tells the story of the young Maasai girls of Southern Kenya and their struggle to remain in education. Their fight represents
Children play atop a bullet-riddled building in Gaza. 05/10/2011. Photo by UN Photo/Shareef Sarhan via Flickr CC-BY-NC-ND “I am constantly amazed by man’s inhumanity to
The right to health…the right to education…the right to housing…the right to an adequate standard of living… Can we afford to pay for these human
For human rights activists, the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a sacred document. Its 30 different articles outline the political, economic, social
Cartoon of the month for February. Visit the cartoons library or check our blogs about migration for more.
Earlier this month, you may have seen our top 10 good news stories from 2013 we published. What follows covers some aspects of the other
Using multimedia can be a great method for raising debate and discussion around a particular set of issues. Whether you are running a workshop, teaching
Information is powerful. Think Africa is a short video that collects the opinions of festival goers from the 2013 Electric Picnic in Stradbally as they
At the recent July Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies/80:20 Human Rights Summer School in Malta, Roland Tormey of the Teaching Support Centre, Ecole polytechnique fédérale
Fruit and Veg, Old City, Jerusalem by David Masters, Flickr (2008) Tony Daly responds to a range of the comments and feedback received by the
Recent months have seen a storm of criticism and comment of Trócaire’s campaign to boycott goods from Israeli settlements in the occupied territories. This piece responds to one such commentator, Ruth Dudley Edwards, who accused Trócaire of disseminating ‘hatred’
In just over two weeks the people of Ireland will be tasked with voting on the Children’s Referendum, on Saturday the 10th November.
Source: South Sudan: Independence Celebration by babasteve, Flickr On the 9th of July 2011, after decades of civil war which resulted in the deaths of
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