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636 Resources found

Advocacy: Capacity Development for Youth Groups (Training Guide)

Year: 2010 | Published by: Plan West Africa

This resource supports youth clubs and youth capacity development in the area of advocacy.

Transitions in Development

Year: 2010 | Published by: Kerry Action on Development Education (KADE)

An educational resource for Transition Year produced by the Kerry Action for Development Education, to assist teachers and other educators …

Learning to Read the World: Teaching and Learning about Global Citizenship and International Development in Post-Primary Schools

Year: 2011 | Published by: Identikit, Irish Aid

An overview and critical assessment of curriculum-focused development education in the Republic of Ireland based on extensive data sources from …

ThinkB4UClick: empowering students to be effective, autonomous and safe users of new media

Year: 2010 | Published by: The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL), The National Centre for Technology in Education

This resource has been specifically designed for teachers of Junior Certificate CSPE who wish to explore the issue of online …

Accounting for Justice: a facilitator’s guide to Global Tax Justice

Year: 2013 | Published by: Debt and Development Coalition Ireland

This resource provides a guide to facilitators to support learning about the role of taxation in society and the relationships …

Africa Regions Series – Central Africa, East Africa, North Africa and South Africa

Year: 2012 | Published by: Africa Centre

A set of on-line downloadable educational resources and maps that explore the African continent based on region.

Sustainable Living Programme

Year: 2009 | Published by: Union of Presentation Sisters

A programme developed by the Union of Presentation Sisters that focuses on sustainable living and how we can respond to …

Food Security and Food Sovereignty: An abundance of Food but Not Enough to Eat

Year: 2009 | Published by: Latin American Solidarity Centre (LASC)

This online guide focuses on the theme of food sovereignty in Latin America and its links to Ireland.

Global and Justice Perspectives in the Classroom: A literature Review

Year: 2005 | Published by: Development & Intercultural Education (DICE)

A review of Irish and international literature that focuses on Development and Intercultural Education from a global and justice perspective.

About Me About Us: Celebrating Diversity in Co. Monaghan Schools

Year: 2011 | Published by: Monaghan Education Centre

Online interactive resource focused on encouraging students to exploring identity and diversity in the context of self, others and their …

Counted Out: Challenging Poverty and Social Exclusion

Year: 2002 | Published by: CDVEC Curriculum Development Unit, Combat Poverty Agency, Folens

Resource focused on issues of stereotyping and labelling, poverty, rights, community, international poverty, credit unions and self-help groups, action projects. …

Making a Difference – 3rd edition

Year: 2011 | Published by: Folens

A formal Civic, Social and Political Education resource for teaching at Junior Cycle level that focuses on the 7 key CSPE …

It’s about us: supporting young people to speak out about the post-Millennium Development Goals agenda (CSPE workshops)

Year: 2013

These resources will inform, inspire and enable young people to participate in discussions about the world they want to see. …

Trade Unions and Development Cooperation

Year: 2008 | Published by: Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU)

This 20-page briefing resource – from the ICTU’s Global Solidarity project – is designed to show how we can work …

Connecting Communities – a practical guide to using development education in community settings

Year: 2005 | Published by: Lourdes Youth & Community Services (LYCS)

With 10 ready-made workshops, this ‘how to’ handbook has been designed for use with groups seeking to explore both local and …

Biladi: Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: a photopack

Year: 2006 | Published by: 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network, Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies, Palestinian Human Rights Organisation

This photopack uses photographs, facts, two case studies and a human rights education approach to understanding the situation of Palestinian …

Why teach about the Holocaust?

Year: 2013 | Published by: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

This short introduction provides an essential overview on education about the Holocaust that can support educators, students and policymakers alike …

Mosquito Bites – Small bites, big threat

Year: 2014 | Published by: GOAL Ireland

This short primary schools resource explores the theme of malaria, explaining what malaria is and how it is a health …

Climate Change is About… Water – teaching and activities guide

Year: 2014 | Published by: The Democracy Center (Bolivia)

This online teaching and activities guide to water and the impact of climate change in Bolivia is based on fieldwork …

Palestine and Israel: How will there be a just peace? A Citizenship Education Resource for Transition Year and Key Stage 4

Year: 2013 | Published by: CDVEC Curriculum Development Unit, Sadaka

This resource is intended to support young people in critically exploring conflict and peace building within a framework of Human …