Search Results for: "poverty+porn" – Page 7

1 in 8 – Human Dignity

According to the 2012 State of Food Insecurity in the World (published by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation), 870 million people representing 12.5% of world population were ‘chronically undernourished’ in 2010 – 2012 ( This represents 1 in 8 people on our planet at a time when the world

Positive and Negative Realities

Photo credit © XXXXXXX In 1900 the number of sovereign independent states amounted to 55; the number of states governed by colonial or imperial powers also numbered 55 and the percentage of the world population living in democracies was just 12.4%. By 2000 this picture had changed completely – the number


What do we mean by literacy? UNESCO defines literacy as “…the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate, compute and use printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning to enable an individual to achieve his or her goals, to develop his or her

4. Thirty activities to introduce and explore development education

There are quite literally hundreds of starter activities to introduce international development ideas, debates and realities. Here, we’ve chosen 30 starting points and grouped them by different types of learning formats: Using statistics Using a cartoon Using a photo Using a piece of text Using a poster or stimulus sheet

What you can do

5 MDG Things To Do Organise an MDG-focused event in your school/youth club (an assembly, workshop (s), peer education) Participate in the MDG Youth Forum (tbc: Nov 2005) Organise/deliver an art-focused MDG project in your school/community, document the process and share it Lobbying on the follow-up to the 2005 UN

Why should we care about Sustainable Development?

This section explores some of the main reasons why sustainable development is so important. It outlines the ways in which sustainable development relates to every individual’s life and the reasons why change is needed. The information is provided under these headings: Unsustainable actions will lead to ‘social and ecological crises’

Debating Climate Change

The world will no longer be divided by the ideologies of ‘left’ and ‘right’ but by those who accept ecological limits and those who don’t. Wolfgang Sachs, Wuppertal Institute The concept of climate change was first raised in scientific circles in the late 1800s. In recent decades climate change has been the

Haiti in brief

Haiti, a tiny island positioned in the Caribbean Sea is one of the world’s poorest countries, ranking 149 out of 182 countries. The island known as Hispaniola when it was discovered in 1492 by Columbus, was originally inhabited by Taino Amerindians. Within 25 years, Spanish settlers effectively destroyed this indigenous

Sanitation Lags

“In our multimedia world, news reports inundate us everywhere and at any time. For example, as of 2007, there were 2.5 billion mobile phones in use. The same year, iTunes music sales exceed 2.5 billion. For its Olympic effort, China planted 2.5 billion trees in 2008. Carbon dioxide emissions from

Pondering How Much a Dollar Costs (ft. Kendrick Lamar)

What’s the buying power of a dollar-a-day really worth? Overall winner of the 2018 Trinity College Dublin and Development Issues series, Michael Morigi, explores the question of a dollar’s worth through Kendrick Lamar’s music, overseas aid statistics and from his life in the US. Track eleven on American rapper

14 videos on our international food system and why it needs to change

In the lead up to World Food Day on October 16, Tony Daly presents 14 videos related to food, covering food waste, food production, energy and solution-based ideas that go against the grain. This blog forms part of the #ZeroHunger series, brought to you by the Professional Development Support Service

The Stories

Chiku Zulu Nurse, mother, community support worker, volunteer Chiku is a nurse working with HIV programmes in Chikankata. She is fifty years old and separated from her husband. She has four children – two girls and two boys. Her eldest is twenty and works in the laboratory in the local

Confirming Hope

“Explores how Confirmation can play a key part in the development of global citizens in Ireland and examines how God, through Confirmation, can help and equip us to help to be more active citizens” The teaching resource Confirming Hope: Is split into 4 sessions that each includes: an SDG, Team

Drought and Migration in Ethiopia – Updated edition

Drought and Migration in Ethiopia is an educational resource which uses the methodology of process drama to enable children to learn, through imagined experience, about life in Ethiopia. The resource includes a scheme of work which contains five lesson plans. These lessons are designed to last an hour each utilise a

Beyond the Western gaze

The “Africa needs help” vs. “No! Africa can teach you lessons!” is tiring. Other than benefiting a few pundits, are we deriving any value from it? George Kibala Bauer