Covid-19 and Africa: a role for Ireland…and you!
On April 23rd, President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins made a detailed statement on Ireland’s potential role in the COVID-19 crisis and its implications for those most at risk worldwide.
On April 23rd, President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins made a detailed statement on Ireland’s potential role in the COVID-19 crisis and its implications for those most at risk worldwide.
Here’s a run down of 5 teaching resources on the impact of Covid-19 that you have to check out. A list, introduced by Ciara Regan.
Are you involved in education work and interested in joining our Education Advisory Panel? We are seeking new members from people active in formal or non-formal education roles.
Join our network of contributors is inviting submissions of pitches and commissions from writers on a rolling basis. is an online space which publishes magazine style features, education support materials and covers topics ranging from climate justice to gender equality, from human rights to unsustainable development, trade
2020 marks the 15th year of the Our World Irish Aid Award. The anniversary theme, ‘A Better World,’ invites primary teachers and pupils to learn about the Global Goals and the work supported by Irish Aid, Ireland’s official international development programme. Schools are supported with: Child-friendly resources, like the very
Author of the teacher’s guidebook, Rachel Elizabeth Kendrick, will lead a session on the 3 big ideas and teaching methods published as a 3-part series.
How can young people learn about issues affecting our world today through games-based learning? What is gamification and what contributions can games-based approaches make in challenging and stirring action in Transition Year spaces on global justice and human rights?
Join us for this online session Empathy in a Divided World led by Brighid Golden to discuss how educators can respond to the challenges of selective empathy, both for ourselves personally and with others in our different settings.
This impact-focused interactive webinar will focus on good practice in the development of resources for Development Education and Global Citizenship Education work
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Are you involved in development education / global citizenship education resource productions? Or would you like to be? Then this 1-hour online event is for you! *********POST UPDATE***** The deadline for written submissions to the consultation on Guidelines for Producing Development Education Resources has been extended to close of business
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Join us for a special lunchtime event with one of Ireland’s best known political commentators – cartoonist Martyn Turner as he shares his experience, his stories and perspectives, his art and his ‘take’ on human rights, development and sustainability.
Submit or recommend resources to be included in the Ireland-wide audit of development education and global citizenship education resources.
One World Week is a week of youth-led awareness raising, education and action that takes place throughout Ireland during the third week in November every year. During March/April, youth groups around Ireland vote on the theme that they would like to explore for One World Week 2012. This year’s theme
Are you involved in development education resource production? Or would you like to be? Then this event is for you! This year,, in collaboration with Dóchas and IDEA, are producing a set of guidelines to support the production of DE resources in Ireland. These guidelines are a direct outcome
Is your school interested in getting involved (or is already involved) in development education activities? Or are you an NGO or an education network working with schools on development education? If so, there’s an exciting opportunity for you to apply for funding to support your development education activities. Funding is
Note: The materials and resources listed here are primarily suited to ages 14+ and can be used in a wide variety of learning and teaching contexts. ‘It’s an ancient abuse, but it persists throughout the world today. Slavery remains one of the greatest human rights challenges of history. Today it’s
In 2006 well known campaigning comedian Mark Thomas approached Irish non-governmental organisation Afri having become aware of Afri’s work on the arms trade. He asked if Afri would put him in touch with a secondary school in Ireland. Afri introduced Mark to Barbara Raferty, aware of the consistent justice and
Source: ECO-UNESCO 2018 Fancy organising a workshop? Many NGOs have members of staff who do outreach and education visits to schools as part of their education programmes (when you contact them make sure to highlight the fact that you are looking for an educational workshop rather than a fundraising one!
My husband Amos and I ‘stay’ in Inyathi district Ward 15. Three years ago, we both tested positive for HIV.
Join us for the launch of a new climate justice flip-card Irish vocabulary series
19 civil society organisations across Europe have examined their national governments’ commitments and actions towards combatting tax dodging, ensuring transparency and their attitude towards letting the poorest countries get a seat at the table when global tax standards are negotiated. For the first time, in this report, each country is
So, we were having the usual chats over lunch in the office and the subject of music came up – more specifically protest songs. There’s just something about them: everyone has their favourite. However, after discovering that one of the team (who shall remain nameless) hadn’t heard of Billy
Jessica Carson, Co-ordinator of Creativity & Change, explores the importance of using creativity for change through sharing her journey and understanding of the relationship between creativity, learning and global citizenship. At Creativity & Change why do we think creativity is important? For the last 18 years my work has had
“Peasants, indigenous peoples, and artisans who live outside the industrialised globalised economy, who have caused no harm to the earth or other people, are the worst victims of climate chaos. Over 96 percent of disaster-related deaths in recent years have taken place in developing countries.” Vandana Shiva Vandana Shiva is
Since the start of September, staff at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and Irish Aid, Ireland’s overseas aid development programme, have been working overtime. Public events in Cork, Galway, Sligo, Limerick and Dublin, plus a call for written submissions, have occupied the collective ears of Irish Aid in
Throughout 2019, and IDEA, in conjunction with NCAD, are launching a project to gather 100 objects relating to previous global solidarity and development education campaigns or actions.
Are you working in Adult and/or Community Education and interested in exploring further what resources are available to support your practice? Are you working in Adult and/or Community Education and interested in exploring further how to effectively create online resources that promote global citizenship? Are you working in Adult and/or
The role of women in developing countries, as explored throughout this module, has been recognised as the single most important factor when it comes to bringing about and sustaining long term social change.
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