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A User Guide for Primary Schools

Videos, photographs, cartoons, animations, current affairs, infographics …  this website is maintained with a wide range of material covering a range of global development themes and issues. Here are some suggested ways of using the website to build development education into your lessons plans: Take a look around – use

Our Approach

Our Approach For nearly two decades has emerged as a key online reference point for information, activities, learning and resource support for educators (across a variety of user groups in formal and non-formal educational sectors) concerned with issues of human development, human rights, development co-operation and development education (DE). Throughout this time the

Current and future costs: COP17

The cost for South Africa of hosting COP 17 will, it is estimated, amount to some 400 million rand (approx. €40 million).  The funds will be used to provide meals, transport, security, conference facilities and accommodation for the expected 20,000 delegates over the 12 days of the conference. Alongside this,

Make Every Drop Count: Lent 2014 education resource packs

Source: Our World, Our Water animation for schools by Trócaire (2014)  The 2014 Lent campaign seeks to teach young people in primary and post-primary education about the global water crisis and its impact in Ireland and Malawi. Through active and cooperative learning classes will: Explore: Water as a justice issue

Launch of ‘An Irish Development Education Resources Audit’

We are pleased to announce the publication of An Audit of Development Education Resources, now available online at Over a 5 month period the audit collected information on development education (DE) resources produced in Ireland since 2000 for both formal and non-formal education use. The sectors covered include: Junior


Econowha? Is an online educational resource that is available online for free. It is comprised of a 9 part lesson plan, featuring guest bloggers for each unit, things to read and watch, suggested learning outcomes and an online discussion space to aid the learning process. In our development education on

Ethical Consumption = Fair Trade?

Whenever ethical consumption is mentioned, the first thing that crosses many people’s minds is ‘fair trade’. But ethical consumption is about much more than fair trade products. It is about consciously evaluating the consumption choices you make – deciding whether or not to buy locally-produced products versus imported ones, whether

The Bosnian Genocide

Conflict between the three main ethnic groups – Serbs, Croats and Muslims (Bosniacs) in the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, resulted in genocide committed by the Serbs against the Muslims between 1992 and 1995. Under the leadership of Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic, over 200,000 Muslim civilians were systematically murdered with a further

My top 10 life changing ‘good news’ trends from 2013

Recent debates on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and on the measurement of human development have highlighted a series of highly significant and life enhancing developments as regards people’s most basic human needs in recent decades.  Despite ongoing injustice and inequality (the latter increasing year on year) millions of the

Cocoa with a conscience

In 2007, Japanese fashion designer Issey Miyake asked photographer James Mollison to contribute to an exhibition on Chocolate that he was curating with Japanese industrial designer Naoto Fukasawa. In Japan, Chocolate has become a luxury product with organised tastings – similar to wine. Mollison decided it would be interesting to

Debating World Hunger

What does it mean to be hungry? The Food and Agriculture Organisation defines ‘chronic hunger’ as: People who are chronically hungry are undernourished. They don’t eat enough to get the energy they need to lead active lives. Their undernourishment makes it hard to study, work or otherwise perform physical activities.

Current Statistics

Today Aboriginals in Australia face many disadvantages. In 2008 the Australian Human Rights Commission published ‘Face the Facts’ which explores and explaines the common issues surrounding the Aboriginal Community in Australia. The publication highlights statistics in areas including health; education; employment; housing and contact with criminal justice and welfare systems.

Native Title

‘At what point does the dominant society cease to operate as a colonial invader and come to terms with the fact that the Aboriginal and Islander peoples of this land will continue to assert ownership and authority of the lands, rivers and seas of their traditional domain?’ Pat Dodson, Aboriginal


Associations regularly participates in a range of activities and associations across the development education sector in Ireland. These include: Assembly member, Ubuntu Network Quality and Impact Working Group member, the Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) Baseline data project participant, the Irish Development Education Association (IDEA) Education Panel member, Worldwise

Sanitation Lags

“In our multimedia world, news reports inundate us everywhere and at any time. For example, as of 2007, there were 2.5 billion mobile phones in use. The same year, iTunes music sales exceed 2.5 billion. For its Olympic effort, China planted 2.5 billion trees in 2008. Carbon dioxide emissions from

The Armenian Genocide

“The Ottoman Empire should be cleaned up of the Armenians…” Young Turk leader Enver Pasha in 1916 From 1915 to 1917 the Muslim Young Turk regime of the Ottoman Empire carried out a systematic, premeditated, centrally planned genocide against the Christian Armenian minority. The genocide began with the mass slaughter

The Jewish Holocaust

“I ask nothing of the Jews except that they should disappear.” Nazi Governor of Poland Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany in January 1933 blaming his country’s defeat inWorldWar I and its subsequent economic hardships on the Jews and accused the Jews of various conspiracies. Via the Nazi regime,

Junior Cycle Geography has not been kind to development education

September 2013, the start of a new school year, a year that promises to be turbulent and exciting for students and teachers. The Minister’s announcement of Junior Cycle reform last October signalled a period of change and uncertainty for Geography teachers, accustomed to the certainty of the Junior Certificate syllabus

Shelter and the Rise of Cities

The majority of the world’s 7 billion people live in urban areas. More than one billion of these – or one in three urban residents – live in inadequate housing with no, or only a few basic resources such as access to safe water or sanitation, refuse collection, etc. Generally,

Public Good or Private Wealth? Oxfam’s annual check is in…

This week, Oxfam released their annual wealth check report, Public Good or Private Wealth?, highlighting the concentration of the world’s wealth. As you have probably already seen in mainstream and social media, the report finds that the 26 richest billionaires on the planet own as many assets as the poorest

Why didn’t all the aid reach the poorest? Here’s why.

So you donated a week’s lattes to save refugees from an African civil war; you suspect the refugees received only an ordinary cup of Joe… Julia Lewis, Area Manager, Democratic Republic of Congo in Concern Worldwide, presents a field report on four of the harsh realities in delivering aid assistance

Method 1 – The 3-Step approach

A simple but very useful ‘3-step approach’ to doing development education and global citizenship education. “At best, a lecturer (teacher) speaks with and for her audience, not to or at it. She takes leads, images and stirrings from her audience, and reflects back to them tentative accounts and explanations for

Downloads and Factsheets

Selected Food Waste Facts (PDF) Water Worldwide: 10 selected facts (PDF) Water as a Human Right (PDF)

Letter from Lesbos

During the month of August I volunteered with an organisation based on the island of Lesbos which gives legal advice to people seeking refugee status. Many refugees find their way to the island due to its proximity to mainland Turkey which you can see from the beach, about 8km from

Five Fifty Five-Hundred Deciphered

Give & Take – Mostly Take? The basic idea behind 5:50:500 is simple: Every year, for the past 10 years aid given to the Developing World by non-governmental agencies (voluntary aid) has amounted to at least $5 billion. Estimates vary from a low of $5 billion to a high of