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One World Week 2013

In 2013, the theme for OWW was ‘The World Young People Want’. One World Week is a week of youth-led awareness raising, education and action that takes place throughout Ireland during the third week in November every year and links into the EU Global Education Week. During One World Week

Working with groups

INTRODUCTORY ICE-BREAKERS Who am I? Ask participants to sit in a circle. Explain that you are now going to call out some categories of people. Anyone belonging to a particular category must move quickly to sit in the middle of the circle. If they belong to the next category mentioned

Welcome to the world, citizen No. 7 billion!

A few weeks ago we were treated to a letter by the The Irish Times’ new editor, Kevin O’Sullivan, welcoming the soon-to-take place birth of the 7 billionth person into our ‘work in progress’ unequal world. Cross-posted below in full, we think it is well worth a read. If you

HIV & AIDS, 30 years on…

Today is World AIDS Day. It has been almost 30 years since HIV and AIDS was first recognised and diagnosed. HIV and AIDS has since spread at an alarming rate globally and now affects most countries in the world (where the information is available). Although there have been major breakthroughs

Paying the bills and taking from their tills: pitching development in an age of austerity

21st Century Development animation that accompanied Bill Gate’s speech By Gentleman Scholar and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Last month Bill Gates delivered a timely, long awaited speech to G20 leaders on international development, titled 21st Century Development: Innovation with Impact.  Thinking that Mr Gates could cover everything that

It is sad but necessary that these photos exist

Image: Serbian graffiti on a wall in Kosovo in 1999 Tom Stoddart began his photographic career in a local newspaper in the North-East of England before moving to London in 1978. He has witnessed and photographed many international events such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, the election of

5 Aid myths busted

Overseas aid agendas of governments and proposed cuts in real spending on aid budgets are under review across donor countries. The prolonged global recession, rising unemployment and recovery difficulties ahve fueled many misconceptions, myths and stereotypes about aid and have made their way into classrooms, policy debates and recent ‘what

Is Africa’s negative image justified? Eleven viewpoints

There is much debate about the image of the continent of Africa and how is portrayed, particularly in the media.One recent article by Femi Adewunmi in the business publication ‘How we made it in Africa’ reports on a BBC Africa Debate held in Kampala, Uganda debating the theme: Africa‘s international

5 myths about the world’s population

Image: Crowd by James Cridland, Flickr The world’s population reached 7 billion people in October last year, according to United Nations estimates. Debates surrounding overpopulation, the environment, distribution of resources and assumptions that more-people-means-more-poverty have unfortunately crept back into development discussions around topics like scarcity, growth and the planning techniques

Our newest nation at a glance: South Sudan, one year on…

Source: South Sudan: Independence Celebration by babasteve, Flickr On the 9th of July 2011, after decades of civil war which resulted in the deaths of up to 2 million people and a referendum passed by 98% of voters, South Sudan became an independent country. Presented below is a brief progress

2013 elections: Breaking the cycle of political violence in Kenya

On 4th March Kenyans will be going to the polls to vote in national elections. Memories of the post-election violence that gripped the country in 2007-08 are vivid, and many fear similar violence could occur again when the polls close. But political violence in Kenya is more than just a

TY Students from Bray use art to investigate contemporary slavery

“We are Transition Year students from Presentation College, Bray and what we would like to share with you is real and happening now. We and our classmates were shocked and angry upon hearing these facts.” *This blog was written by Patryk Labuzek, Andrew Dore and Conor Davenport as part of

Big shoes to fill

Today is the 5th annual Nelson Mandela Day, since it’s inauguration in 2009 on Nelson Mandela’s birthday – the 18th of July. Today he turns 95. The Mandela Day Website states that this day is a call to action for people everywhere to take responsibility for making the world a

I’ve got some good news for you!

Around 40 volunteers hit the streets of Dublin and Cork last Friday to hand out copies of “The World’s Best News” – a free paper that compiles good global news and success stories about development cooperation. Progressio Ireland’s Communications Officer Franziska Fehr reflects on the day. ___________________________________________________________________ 6.15 My alarm

Top 10 videos from 2013

Using multimedia can be a great method for raising debate and discussion around a particular set of issues. Whether you are running a workshop, teaching a class, or just looking to brighten up a dreary Friday morning in mid-January, it is always useful to have a few in your back

The Rohingya refugee making factory

If the production of refugees was an industry, Myanmar would be among the world’s market leaders. In the creation of the product, the Burmese regime has pulled out all the stops and ended up with something unique. For the Rohingya are more than refugees. They are also stateless, they are

Notes from Kampala: a thought for your Apples

I can’t find my iPod. I can’t find it anywhere. Did I put it somewhere safe and now can’t remember? Perhaps someone has ‘taken’ it?! I wake up in the middle of the night and search for it. It’s not there. I can’t find it. For days now my mind

Top 10 facts about the Fairtrade movement in Ireland

Photo: World Fairtrade Day by John Sargent. Flickr/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Anyone who buys, sells or stocks goods that have achieved Fairtrade certification are not engaging in a ‘simple’ or ‘neutral’ act. Quite to the contrary, it is ENTIRELY political. Fairtrade Ireland, founded as the Irish Fair Trade Network (IFTN), in


Econowha? Is an online educational resource that is available online for free. It is comprised of a 9 part lesson plan, featuring guest bloggers for each unit, things to read and watch, suggested learning outcomes and an online discussion space to aid the learning process. In our development education on

Living in the Hollow of Plenty and the Hunger Map

The 20 page briefing paper, Living in the Hollow of Plenty: World Hunger Today and its accompanying support activities are part of the Food Rights Now education and awareness campaign and is designed to provide a set of briefing notes on: different dimensions of world hunger today (definition, measurement, who’s

Rugby to the Rescue?

‘Meanwhile in other parts of the world, events continue…’; cue solemn-faced rugby player reminding us that while the World Cup goes on millions remain hungry and requesting viewers to contribute £5.00 to tackle the issue. 

Planet Earth: Our Home, Our Life….Our Dumping Ground

Written by Cillian Molloy, Sárán Fogarty and Niall Groves of Presentation College Bray in County Wicklow. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” –Charles Darwin Humans; what are we, what

Using technology to explore global issues

GOAL and Bridge21 collaborated on a three-day technology and global issues workshop, held in Bridge21’s purpose-designed learning space in Trinity College, Dublin

Syria: an appalling reality in 2016

‘The Syrian people wonder why the world is silent, and ask: ‘Why does the world punish us with its silence?  What did we do wrong to be forced to witness all of this murder and the destruction of our lives, homes and our dreams?’ – Aisha, 36 year-old aid worker