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44 Resources found

Oxfam and a rice-growing revolution in Liberia

Year: 2013 | Published by: Oxfam GB

This uplifting and enthusiastic video tells the story of a Liberian farmer, Susanna Edwards, as her capacity for farming is …

Global Peace Index Report 2015: measuring peace, its causes and its economic value

Year: 2015 | Published by: Institute for Economics and Peace

A statistical analysis of the state of peace in 162 countries over the last nine years. This report provides an …

How the World Works 2: a resource for teachers

Year: 2015 | Published by: Debt and Development Coalition Ireland

This resource is aimed at transition year students, with relevance to economics, history, geography and religious education. It is full …

Human Development Report 2014: Sustaining Human Progress – Reducing Vulnerabilities and Building Resilience

Year: 2014

The UNDP’s HDR is an annual report that measures human development across the world. The 2014 HDR focuses on vulnerability …

Vandana Shiva: the lunacy of economic growth

Year: 2011 | Published by: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Opening speech by Vandana Shiva on the themes of economic progress and ‘growth’ at the Attac congress “Beyond Growth” in …

A New Debt Crisis? Assessing the impact of the financial crisis on developing countries

Year: 2009 | Published by: Jubilee Debt Campaign

This report is intended as a wake-up call to anyone who thinks the developing world debt crisis has been resolved. …

Global South Resources online

Year: 2014

Global South Resources is a free collection of resources and lesson plans online for post-primary educators and students designed for …

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret

Year: 2014 | Published by: AUM Films, First Spark Media

“What is being done about the impact of animal agriculture on our environment?” Cowspiracy is a documentary made in the …

Finding Our Voice: a resource on debating world development

Year: 2012 | Published by: Concern Worldwide

Using the ‘art of debating’ as a platform for learning about global development issues and big ideas, Finding Our Voice …

Exploring Diversity & Global Justice through the Arts: an educational resource for second level schools

Year: 2011 | Published by: Comhlámh

This resource aims to support second level teachers to bring a justice perspective into their classroom using active learning and …

The Paper Bag Game

Year: 2007 | Published by: Christian Aid

An interactive game that gives an insight into what life is like for poor people who are trying to earn a living. …

Trading Trainers Game: a simulation game about working hard for a living and staying poor

Year: 1996 | Published by: CAFOD, Christian Aid

We all own a pair of trainers, but do you know where and how your trainers are made? This free …

The Chocolate Trade Game

Year: 2008 | Published by: Christian Aid

Trace the journey of the cocoa bean from tree to chocolate bar and discover along the way the difficulties workers …

A Study of the Opportunities for Development Education at Senior Cycle

Year: 2006 | Published by: NCCA Irish Aid

A Study of Opportunities for Development Education at Senior Cycle is an in-depth research report mapping development education opportunities at …

Choc-a-lot: A chocolate flavoured resource to explore the global trade in cocoa

Year: 2004 | Published by: Reading International Solidarity Centre (RISC)

This 55 page resource contains a collection of activities based on the production of chocolate. The activities are designed to …

Africa Alive Publications

Year: 2004 | Published by: Self Help Africa, Self Help Development International

A series of 3 school textbooks developed by Self-Help Development International (now Self Help Africa), which focus on the challenges …

Failure Reports: learning from our mistakes

Year: 0

Engineers without Borders (EWB) Canada believes that success in development is not possible without taking risks and innovating – which …

The Great Cotton Stitch-Up

Year: 2010 | Published by: Fairtrade Foundation UK

The Great Cotton Stitch-Up is a 40-page report on the plight of African cotton farmers vis-à-vis the use of “the …

The Business of Food: Who Makes the Rules?

Year: 2010 | Published by: Trócaire

This resource has been developed for teachers to use to explore, with their students, the impact of trade on hunger …

The Bottom Billion

Year: 2007 | Published by: Oxford University Press

In this latest book, former World Bank economist Paul Collier has identified fifty eight stagnating countries where nearly one billion …