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636 Resources found

Making your case! Advocacy toolkit on Development Education and Awareness Raising

Year: 2012 | Published by: Developing Europeans' Engagement for the Eradication of Global Poverty (DEEEP)

Wondering how to make the case for development education and awareness raising in a context when public spending is under …

Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit for Development Education in Youth Work

Year: 2011

This resource is designed to assist youth workers, volunteers and managers in youth organisations to monitor and evaluate their development …

Women, Business and the Law 2014: Removing Restrictions to Enhance Gender Equality

Year: 2013 | Published by: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank

Women, Business and the Law 2014 is a global survey to examine laws and regulations affecting women’s prospects as entrepreneurs …

Shattered Lives: the case for tough international arms control

Year: 2003 | Published by: Amnesty International, Control Arms, Oxfam

Arms kill more than half a million men, women, and children on average each year. Many thousands more are maimed, …

Human Rights Through the Lens: a human rights education resource

Year: 2011 | Published by: The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL)

This resource is designed to encourage in-class discussion and reflection on human rights, and how film can be used to …

Painting for Change: a creative development education resource about mural painting, public art, citizenship and partnership

Year: 2012 | Published by: Mayfield Community Arts Centre

This resource is about inspiring others to paint wall murals. It tells the story of the journey of a group …

Year: 2014 | Published by: Dóchas

On you will find information on how global emergency aid is coordinated, and how Irish NGOs work together and …

Illustrative Guide to the Dóchas Code of Conduct on Images and Messages

Year: 2014 | Published by: Dóchas

The Illustrative Guide is a support to organisations seeking to implement the Code. The Guide provides practical examples and illustrations …

World’s Best News 2014

Year: 2014 | Published by: Dóchas

The World’s Best News is a newspaper that brings you stories of hope and change from the developing world. This …

Power and Equality Workshop Kit

Year: 2014 | Published by: EIL Intercultural Learning

With a focus on issues of power and issues of equality, this workshop kit, developed at the Network Weekend by …

A Better Future for All the World’s Children – fun filled magazine for kids

Year: 2013 | Published by: Irish Aid

This magazine is especially for children and about children. It includes interesting information, pictures, games and activities about the lives …

One World Our World

Year: 2009 | Published by: Irish Aid

One World Our World is a storybook for 10-12 year olds on five of Irish Aid’s partner countries.

Where is our 10 per cent?

Year: 2014 | Published by: GROW, Oxfam

African artists are calling on the African Heads of State to keep their promises and invest at least 10% of …

Rape, a weapon of war: Destroying the glue of a society

Year: 2011 | Published by: The Economist

Marcus Bleasdale talks about a selection of his photographs chronicling the impact of rape in war-torn areas of the Democratic …

I’m a Mac … and I’ve Got a Dirty Secret

Year: 2010 | Published by: ENOUGH Project

Published on June 25, 2010. Learn more about conflict minerals and the ENOUGHproject campaign to end war in the Congo …

Food wastage footprint

Year: 2013 | Published by: Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN

This animation explores the demands of global food production, growing world population and the scale of food loss (and food …

The Natural Effect

Year: 2014 | Published by: Only Organic

“The False Advertising Industry” reveals the shocking truth about what is allowed in “Natural” food. This satircal advert takes its …

What’s the problem with wasting food?

Year: 2013 | Published by: Society of Biology

What’s the impact of your ‘footprint’? This animation takes a look at the energy, water and land costs in producing …

Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story

Year: 2009

Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found …

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)

Year: 2007

Short animation by the Children’s Rights Alliance  on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The …