Sustainable Development Goals Explorer

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  • Have you ever wanted to browse through a resource based on whether the SDGs are directly or indirectly included – in a booklet, a short film, an issue-based activity pack or an NGO report?
  • Say hello, to the Sustainable Development Goals Explorer. Quickly find resources from our library that are relevant to each of the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Note: the 17 goals of the SDGs are seen and understood to be ‘interdependent’ – this means that they rely on each other in order to succeed in reaching the Goals, rather than achieving them in isolation or in silos…so feel free to explore across as well within Goals.

636 Resources found

Making your case! Advocacy toolkit on Development Education and Awareness Raising

Year: 2012 | Published by: Developing Europeans' Engagement for the Eradication of Global Poverty (DEEEP)

Wondering how to make the case for development education and awareness raising in a context when public spending is under …

Monitoring and Evaluation Toolkit for Development Education in Youth Work

Year: 2011

This resource is designed to assist youth workers, volunteers and managers in youth organisations to monitor and evaluate their development …

Women, Business and the Law 2014: Removing Restrictions to Enhance Gender Equality

Year: 2013 | Published by: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, The World Bank

Women, Business and the Law 2014 is a global survey to examine laws and regulations affecting women’s prospects as entrepreneurs …

Shattered Lives: the case for tough international arms control

Year: 2003 | Published by: Amnesty International, Control Arms, Oxfam

Arms kill more than half a million men, women, and children on average each year. Many thousands more are maimed, …

Human Rights Through the Lens: a human rights education resource

Year: 2011 | Published by: The Irish Council for Civil Liberties (ICCL)

This resource is designed to encourage in-class discussion and reflection on human rights, and how film can be used to …

Painting for Change: a creative development education resource about mural painting, public art, citizenship and partnership

Year: 2012 | Published by: Mayfield Community Arts Centre

This resource is about inspiring others to paint wall murals. It tells the story of the journey of a group …

Year: 2014 | Published by: Dóchas

On you will find information on how global emergency aid is coordinated, and how Irish NGOs work together and …

Illustrative Guide to the Dóchas Code of Conduct on Images and Messages

Year: 2014 | Published by: Dóchas

The Illustrative Guide is a support to organisations seeking to implement the Code. The Guide provides practical examples and illustrations …

World’s Best News 2014

Year: 2014 | Published by: Dóchas

The World’s Best News is a newspaper that brings you stories of hope and change from the developing world. This …

Power and Equality Workshop Kit

Year: 2014 | Published by: EIL Intercultural Learning

With a focus on issues of power and issues of equality, this workshop kit, developed at the Network Weekend by …

A Better Future for All the World’s Children – fun filled magazine for kids

Year: 2013 | Published by: Irish Aid

This magazine is especially for children and about children. It includes interesting information, pictures, games and activities about the lives …

One World Our World

Year: 2009 | Published by: Irish Aid

One World Our World is a storybook for 10-12 year olds on five of Irish Aid’s partner countries.

Where is our 10 per cent?

Year: 2014 | Published by: GROW, Oxfam

African artists are calling on the African Heads of State to keep their promises and invest at least 10% of …

Rape, a weapon of war: Destroying the glue of a society

Year: 2011 | Published by: The Economist

Marcus Bleasdale talks about a selection of his photographs chronicling the impact of rape in war-torn areas of the Democratic …

I’m a Mac … and I’ve Got a Dirty Secret

Year: 2010 | Published by: ENOUGH Project

Published on June 25, 2010. Learn more about conflict minerals and the ENOUGHproject campaign to end war in the Congo …

Food wastage footprint

Year: 2013 | Published by: Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN

This animation explores the demands of global food production, growing world population and the scale of food loss (and food …

The Natural Effect

Year: 2014 | Published by: Only Organic

“The False Advertising Industry” reveals the shocking truth about what is allowed in “Natural” food. This satircal advert takes its …

What’s the problem with wasting food?

Year: 2013 | Published by: Society of Biology

What’s the impact of your ‘footprint’? This animation takes a look at the energy, water and land costs in producing …

Chimamanda Adichie: The danger of a single story

Year: 2009

Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found …

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)

Year: 2007

Short animation by the Children’s Rights Alliance  on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The …