Search Results for: "poverty+porn" – Page 12

Making Every Drop Count

“Water is essential for life, health and human dignity – our water supply around the world is not shared equally” The pack sets out to foster an appreciation of the ways in which people use this precious resource, and to appreciate the need to conserve water and to recognise and

Spotlight on South Sudan: A Development Education Resource for Primary Schools

Spotlight on South Sudan is an educational resource which uses the methodology of process drama to enable children to learn, through imagined experience, about life in South Sudan. South Sudan, the world’s youngest independent nation, faces tremendous challenges such as the ongoing conflict, extreme levels of poverty, internal displacement and

Five Fifty Five-Hundred

Or How The World Rewards The Rich at the Expense of The Poor… and Where We Fit In. What is 5:50:500? A CD-Based Development Education resource exploring over 130 Human Rights and Development Topics. Over 130 Stimulus & Trigger Sheets In graphic format exploring a range of local and international

Catriona O’Connor: Dinner party development

Catriona O’Connor’s blog is a runner up in the 2017 Trinity College Dublin and Development Issues blog series The topic of development is one of constant discussion between academics, socialites and bar-stool politicians in modern society. We analyse the concept from an economic perspective, detaching ourselves from the lives

List of Contents

Foreword by Senator Patrick Dodson Editor’s Introduction by Tony Daly, Ciara Regan and Colm Regan Numbers, Perspectives and Politics Part One Chapter 1: Wealth, Poverty and Human Development – New Extremes by Colm Regan and John Dornan Chapter 2: Development – the story of an idea by Tony Daly M.

Stimulus Sheets

10 sample trigger sheets from 5:50:500. No country treats its women the same as its menGender discrimination continues unabated – not just in the third world, in every single country across the globe.   More people are killed by their own governmentsBig international conflicts occupy the headlines, but oppressive governments

Plan International Ireland Development Education Resource

The resource contains three modules, with five lessons in each, covering three different global issues aimed at different age groups ranging from 6 – 12 years old.  The first module is on Gender and is aimed at 1st – 2nd class, the second module covers issues of Inequality and is

Five Summer Reads in Development Education

Colm Regan reviews 5 books as part of his summer reading with recommendations for anyone interested in development and global learning. The Divide: A Brief Guide to Global Inequality and its Solutions by Jason Hickel Fans of Hickel’s contributions to the Guardian newspaper will thoroughly enjoy this well-written, accessible and

The importance of Creativity for Change – and how to get involved

Jessica Carson, Co-ordinator of Creativity & Change, explores the importance of using creativity for change through sharing her journey and understanding of the relationship between creativity, learning and global citizenship. At Creativity & Change why do we think creativity is important? For the last 18 years my work has had

11 Key International Reports – a guide

Obtaining up-to-date information, facts, figures as well as case studies and viewpoints on important current development and human rights issues has never been easier. Apart from being available on the Internet, such materials are easily accessed through a number of important international reports which are published annually or bi-annually. This


Shop 80-20 Development in an Unequal World – 7th Edition80-20 explores inequalities and injustices in a plain speaking overview of key global issues, trends and stories through striking visuals and by assembling facts, figures, graphs, maps, photos and political cartoons as well as analysis of the world today. Price: €21.95

Debating Population

World population stood at 1 billion in 1804, increased to 3 billion by 1959, 4 billion in 1974, 5 billion in 1987 and just 12 years later in 1999 it amounted to 6 billion. In October 2011, the world reached a population figure of 7 billion people, fuelling another debate

I gave up plastic for Lent. Could you?

Rachel Mary Dornan reflects on the challenges she experienced in giving up plastic for Lent and wonders if plastic-free living is affordable in a rising tide of plastic use. As a teenager, I helped at our church’s Sunday school. One Lent, about twenty years ago now, I spoke to the

History of HIV

The UNAIDS Global Report UNAIDS Global Report on the epidemic estimated that in 2009, 33.3 million people worldwide are living with HIV, the overwhelming majority of whom live in sub-Saharan Africa, that is 22.5 million men, women and children. Estimates vary as to when and where HIV and AIDS originated.

Women and HIV

“HIV and AIDS is not a democratic disease. It infects selectively. It discriminates easily. It victimises readily. It shows this in the people it infects and the communities it affects in Zambia and several of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa. Most of all, it shows its discriminatory character in its

Our world in 90 seconds

It took just less than 90 seconds to graphically reveal the horrific underbelly of globalisation and of ‘modern’ consumerism and business.  Five years ago, in April 2013, the eight story Rana Plaza building in Dhaka, Bangladesh collapsed, killing 1,134 people and injuring an additional 2,500.  For many locals and for

Five, Fifty, Five-Hundred

Or how the world rewards the rich at the expense of the poor… and where we fit in. 5:50:500 is a graphic-poster led interactive CD-Rom of 130 trigger sheets exploring a range of local and international topics from trade and trade related issues to human rights, women’s rights and international

Method 1 – The 3-Step approach

A simple but very useful ‘3-step approach’ to doing development education and global citizenship education. “At best, a lecturer (teacher) speaks with and for her audience, not to or at it. She takes leads, images and stirrings from her audience, and reflects back to them tentative accounts and explanations for

5. Using photographs and photopacks

Using Photographs in Education Photographs are a particularly valuable resource for encouraging groups and individuals to explore a range of issues in an easy and productive way and at an appropriate pace and level. For example, you could explore, share and use photos from our photobank and photostories as part