Search Results for: "poverty+porn" – Page 14

Múinteoir Domhanda

Is acmhainn teagaisc thraschuraclaim é seo maidir le forbairt dhomhanda le haghaidh daltaí idirbhliana as Gaeilge. Cuimsíonn cuid 1 den acmhainn ceachtanna bunaithe ar 5 théama trína bpléitear saincheisteanna forbartha domhanda i dtíortha comhpháirteacha Chúnamh Éireann. Cuimsíonn cuid 2 den acmhainn gníomhaíochtaí réamhléiritheacha gairide ar fhorbairt dhomhanda. (Ní bhaineann an

50 Picturebooks to Change the World

Thérèse Hegarty and Patricia Kennon explore picturebooks in learning contexts and how they encourage discussions of friendship, conflict, struggle, norms, points of view, difference and injustice in a distanced way, therefore allowing sensitive issues to be discussed without direct disclosures about the children’s own lives.

Spotlight on

The website is a treasure trove of reliable information, facts, resources, factsheets, tips, data, blogs, podcasts, etc., for those interested and concerned about the misrepresentation and spreading of fake news/lies on a wide range of issues and topics covering the continent of Africa.

Learning by un-doing: the magic of immersion

The second reflection in the study visits and immersions programmes guide comes from Varja Lipovsek of East African NGO Twaweza (meaning ‘we can make it happen’ in Swahili) which works on enabling children to learn, citizens to exercise agency and governments to be more open and responsive in Tanzania, Kenya

Event: Games 4 the Goals training course

Paul Crewe of Development Perspectives introduces a training course being run in December 2019. Deadline for applications is Monday the 21st of October Games 4 The Goals is training course aimed at youth workers, trainers, educators and mentors who wish to explore the Sustainable Development Goals through gamification. Games 4

Faith, Justice and Development

The first part of a series argues that any understanding of development which disregards the role of faith is lacking a key dimension for a substantial proportion, perhaps a majority, of humanity. But can we identify precisely what that key dimension offers which might otherwise be missing?

Triomach agus Imirce san Aetóip

Is acmhainn oideachais é Triomach agus Imirce san Aetóip a úsáideann modheolaíocht na drámaíochta próisis chun a chur ar chumas leanaí foghlaim (as Gaeilge), trí thaithí shamhlaithe, faoin saol san Aetóip. Cuimsíonn an acmhainn scéim oibre ina bhfuil cúig phlean ceachta. Tá na ceachtanna seo: deartha chun go mairfidh sé

One World Our World (2019 edition)

“In One World, Our World children from Ethiopia, Tanzania, Malawi and Mozambique, which are all in Africa, and Vietnam, which is in Asia, tell us about the amazing wildlife, landscapes and food in their countries, and they tell us the stories of their lives, the things that make them happy

Teaching Materials

Ciara Regan finalising an exhibition display case. Feb, 2020. Photo: Joshua Mulholland TEACHING MATERIALS 10 kick-starter activities to support use of the Irish Global Solidarity in 100 Objects digital exhibition in education contexts. Irish Global Solidarity in 100 Objects offers a brief and selective introduction to the many campaigns, activities

Development Economics – Question What you Read

What does it mean to critically engage with what you read and why does it matter? Emily Ramsay investigates microfinancing in development economics – the good, the bad and the neoliberal