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636 Resources found

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2019: safeguarding against economic slowdowns and downturns

Year: 2019 | Published by: FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World is an annual flagship report jointly prepared by FAO, IFAD, …

Global Hunger Index 2018: forced migration and hunger

Year: 2018 | Published by: Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe

The 2018 Global Hunger Index—published jointly by Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe—tracks the state of hunger worldwide and spotlights those places …

AFRONAUTS | short film

Year: 2019 | Published by: Vernac Media

Treoir maidir le conas tabhairt faoin Oideachas Saoránachta Domhanda – Lámhleabhar an Mhúinteora

Year: 2019 | Published by: WorldWise Global Schools

Tá an treoir seo as Gaeilge dírithe ar iar-bhunscoileanna atá ag obair chun an tOideachas Saoránachta Domhanda a chur i …

Doing Development Education: Junior Cycle Geography

Year: 2019 | Published by: WorldWise Global Schools

This resource aims to support teachers of Geography to teach through a global justice lens, a lens with great educational …

Tíreolaíocht na Sraithe Sóisearaí – Ag Gabháil don Oideachas Saoránachta Domhanda

Year: 2019 | Published by: WorldWise Global Schools

Is é is aidhm don acmhainn seo tacú le múinteoirí Tíreolaíochta maidir le béim a chur ar ghné an cheartais …

Amharc-Ealaín na Sraithe Sóisearaí – Ag Gabháil don Oideachas Saoránachta Domhanda

Year: 2019 | Published by: WorldWise Global Schools

Is é is aidhm don acmhainn seo tacú le múinteoirí Amharc-Ealaíne, as gaeilge, agus béim á cur acu ar ghné …

Short Course: Sustainability – in my Community and in My World

Year: 2019 | Published by: Cork Educate Together Secondary School, North Wicklow Educate Together

This short course for Junior Cycle aims to develop creative, caring global citizens who are engaged in their local communities, …

Plan International Ireland: Post Primary Development Education Teacher Handbook

Year: 2018 | Published by: Plan International Ireland

Plan International Ireland wants to help make Development Education a part of daily lessons. They have created a user-friendly Teachers …

Linking between Ireland and the South: Good Practice Guidelines for North/South Linking

Year: 2006 | Published by: Irish Aid

Today linking is a common activity with thousands of groups in northern countries linking with partners in southern countries. These …

Millennium Development Goals Education Campaign

Year: 2008 | Published by: 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World, Concern Worldwide, Self Help Africa

Millennium Development Goals Education Campaign was an advocacy capacity building exercise involving young people in directly lobbying Brussels and New …

Report of Conference: Linking and Immersion Schemes with the Global South – Developing Good Practice

Year: 2007 | Published by: Irish Development Education Association

Report of IDEA’s first National Conference: Linking and Immersion Schemes with the Global South: Developing Good Practice. This was held …

Action on Global Citizenship: teacher toolkit – 2019 Edition

Year: 2019 | Published by: Global Action Plan

Action on Global Goals: teacher toolkit aims to bridge the gap between Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Development Education …

Action on Global Goals: Community Toolkit

Year: 2019 | Published by: Global Action Plan

Action on Global Goals Community Toolkit has been designed to help community groups to engage with the Sustainable Development Goals …

Straitéis Chúnamh Éireann um Oideachas Forbartha 2017 – 2023

Year: 2016 | Published by: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Irish Aid

Tá an straitéis seo ina toradh ar dhá bhliain rannpháirtíochta idir an Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála agus ár gcomhpháirtithe …

Irish Aid Development Education Strategy 2017 – 2023

Year: 2016 | Published by: Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Irish Aid

This strategy, developed out of a two year engagement between the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and development education …

Go Goals! Ag spraoi agus ag tógáil na todhchaí

Year: 2016 | Published by: UNRIC

Cruthaíodh an cluiche ‘Go Goals!’ do pháistí idir 8 agus 10 mbliana d’aois. Cluiche spraíúil mealltach is ea é, lena …

Go Goals! Playing and building the future

Year: 2016 | Published by: UNRIC

Go Goals! is a downloadable board game created for children aged 8-10 to teach them about the Sustainable Development Goals. …

Climate Action Teacher Resource

Year: 2019 | Published by: An Taisce

Avoiding dangerous levels of climate change is still possible, but will require massive effort and coordination from governments, businesses, citizens …

Athrú Aeráide, Cóir Aeráide

Year: 2015 | Published by: Trócaire

Pacáiste Acmhainne Oideachais do Bhunscoileanna