Search Results for: zero hunger – Page 3

Using Resources to Explore Issues

This section provides ideas and methodologies for using various types of resources, such as photographs and political cartoons, to explore a range of issues in an accessible manner. In this section: Political Cartoons Photographs Maps Statistics International Reports Case Studies Information Technology Using political cartoons in development and human rights

The sharp end of a global food system

Drought and famine are not extreme events. They are not anomalies. They are merely the sharp end of a global food system that is built on inequality, imbalances and – ultimately – fragility. And they are the regular upshot of a climate that is increasingly hostile and problematic for food

One World One Future: Irelands policy for international development

“When the White Paper on Irish Aid was published in 2006, it brought Ireland’s contribution to the fight against global poverty and hunger to the centre of our foreign policy – where it rightly belongs. The White Paper enabled us to consolidate our work, and today we have an aid

Top 10 HIV-related stories making headlines in 2011

IRIN news recently published the 10 top popular stories that appeared throughout 2011 as they relate to HIV and AIDS: 1. HIV and AIDS turned 30 in 2011! The first case of HIV was reported in 1981 in the USA.  Since then, some 30 million people have died from AIDS

UNAIDS World AIDS Day Report 2011

At 52 pages in length, UNAIDS have produced a report that is accessible, timely and punchy. Divided into three thematic sections – ‘Faster’, ‘Smarter’& ‘Better’ – the report introduces and expands upon the new mapping framework for AIDS investments, focussed on high-impact, high-value strategies following the new targets and time

Education for Sustainable Development Goals – learning objectives

“To create a more sustainable world and to engage with issues related to sustainability as described in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), individuals must become sustainability change-makers. They require the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that empower them to contribute to sustainable development. Education is thus crucial for the achievement

An SDG Guide – for starters!

The SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Summit is upon us and all eyes will be on the Paris meeting and its potential wrangles, challenges and outcomes.  Given the debates that characterised the previous Millennium Development Goals agenda, the temperature is likely to hot up with national governments now discussing the SDGs

Focus on Poverty: Junior Primary/Key Stage 1 Educator’s Resource

At 4 pages in length this is a brief resource with original activity-driven illustrations, and step-by-step instructions on the topics of poverty and hunger and children’s needs. For more see the poverty and hunger resources on Trócaire website for educators Other Trócaire resources in the ‘Focus on’ series: Focus on

Women & Development

The role of women in developing countries, as explored throughout this module, has been recognised as the single most important factor when it comes to bringing about and sustaining long term social change.

Making Every Drop Count

“Water is essential for life, health and human dignity – our water supply around the world is not shared equally” The pack sets out to foster an appreciation of the ways in which people use this precious resource, and to appreciate the need to conserve water and to recognise and

Global food – waste not, want not

This document examines the problem of food wastage, and its impact on the global food demand. This document examines the topics of responsible and sustainable land, water and energy consumption and their impact on food waste, and makes recommendations for tackling the issue of global food waste.