Search Results for: "poverty+porn" – Page 15

Fighting a locust plague amid Covid-19 in east Africa

The recent coronavirus pandemic is only exacerbating the problems currently facing herders, also known as pastoralists, in Kenya. They’ve seen their livestock devastated and crops destroyed after the worst locust invasions in 70 years and villagers are bracing themselves for another swarm, 400 times larger if left unchecked.  With less

Human Rights Day – live!

Follow the Human Rights Day 2020 live-blog for happenings and activities throughout the day during a time of unprecedented change during the first year of a Covid-19 world

Your sports club, Texaco and the environment

Are Texaco’s sports grants to community clubs across Ireland a thinly veiled mask for ‘greenwashing’ from the impact of their extractive business in countries like Ecuador? An opinion piece by Tom Roche.

Irish Aid Global Citizenship Education Strategy 2021-2025

Following an extensive consultation process with educators in formal, non-formal education, including with youth groups, community organisations and stakeholder bodies and organisations, this strategy document builds on the learning and progress achieved from previous strategies. The strategy’s role is outlined by Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney T.D in his

Gamification – a short guide

Screenshot from Project Honduras. Produced by Trócaire. Gamification is a word we are seeing more and more in education, but what is it, what are its benefits, and how can you get involved? After attending Trócaire’s Game Changers event last year, Kai Evans takes us through // What is ‘gamification’?

Shifting the Lens on Ethical Communications in Global Development: A Focus on NGDOs in Ireland

Concerns about the ways in which issues, peoples and places have been represented in global development (GD) communications have been raised since the 1980s. Criticisms have been levelled at media and non-governmental development organisations (NGDOs), including for their portrayal of colonial stereotypes, ‘us’ and ‘them’ binary relationships and identities, and

3-point guide to Palestine and Israel for educators

In the shadow of the most traumatic attack on Jewish people since the Holocaust and what Palestinian people are referring to as a ‘second Nakba’, Ciara Regan shares a three-point guide for educators and teachers looking to make sense of the latest and most extreme clash of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Punching above its weight

Juan Acevedo-Ossa explores South Africa’s case against Israel as the latest example of its ability to act as a normative superpower, exceeding the great powers in shaping global moral discourse.

Global Citizenship Education: Curious Teachers, Critical Classrooms

“Dear Teacher….I have been dreaming about this book for more than a decade. I am, and always have been, passionate about Global Citizenship Education (GCE) and visualised this book because I wanted to provide students and teachers with an accessible starting point for learning about this important field. …. I