Search Results for: "poverty+porn" – Page 4

The Zambian Chipolopolo Boys win for Africa

Photo source: Truly Zambian The story of the weekend goes to Zambia: the once written-off underdog of African football – the Chipolopolo Boys** or Copper Bullet Boys – upset the clear favourites of the Africa Cup of Nations tournament (AFCON) by beating the Ivory Coast in the final in an

Walk for Water: linking Ireland with water and human rights issues in Kenya

Walk for Water works to highlight the crises of unequal access to water and sanitation around the world, it aims to highlight the centrality of water and sanitation to human development, to health, to nutritional status, to education, particularly for girls. International World Water Day is held annually on the

Africa rising is a false dawn

Ten years after The Economist declared that Africa was ‘a basket case’ it was back with another headline: ‘Africa Rising…the hopeful continent’. If Africa is rising can it continue to do so, or will the many problems it still faces render its rising ‘a false dawn’?

Learning to Read the World Through Other Eyes

Aimed primarily at student teachers (but suitable for use in classrooms, in youth and community education), this four-part study programme offers a series of cross-cultural exercises, inviting learners to: “examine the origins of their own perceptions and cultural logics (their values and assumptions), to develop self-reflexivity, to re-evaluate their own

Shelter and the Rise of Cities

The majority of the world’s 7 billion people live in urban areas. More than one billion of these – or one in three urban residents – live in inadequate housing with no, or only a few basic resources such as access to safe water or sanitation, refuse collection, etc. Generally,

Human Development in Zambia

Human development index (see definition below) Zambia is classified as having low human development (23rd of 42 such countries) It is ranked 150 from 169 countries in 2010 (in the bottom 11%) While the HDI increased between 2008 and 2010, Zambia is one of only 3 countries with a lower

The Earth is Our Home

In the third part of the series John Dornan and Suzanne Bunniss review faith groups and action over many years on environmental issues such as climate change, sustainability and our collective responsibilities to each other on a shared planet

‘Aid doesn’t work’

We have all heard it, time and time again – international aid just doesn’t work. It doesn’t achieve its objectives, it wastes money and it would be better spent here at home. What The Fact? investigates.


COVID-19 Exploring the fault lines of a global pandemic Photo: ‘Coronavirus’ by Daniel Foster via Flickr. License CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 A dashboard of tools, resources, ideas and stories. Updated: March 7, 2023 Good finds online What we’re reading, watching and listening to Video Young people from 18 countries in 6

COVID-19 and Human Development

Data and debate. An initial reflection from Indian writer and activist Arundhati Roy: ‘Whatever it is, coronavirus has made the mighty kneel and brought the world to a halt like nothing else could. Our minds are still racing back and forth, longing for a return to “normality”, trying to stitch

Action on Community Transformation Community Toolkit

GAP’s toolkit ‘Action for Community Transformation ’ introduces a programme based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, whereby together, through active, transformational learning, the interconnected nature of poverty, inequality and climate change, and imagine new solutions is explored. The core focus of this toolkit is to help communities to

#FreeTheFlow Global Menstruation Justice Now

STAND and USI are demanding global menstruation justice now and are urging students across Ireland to take action. Around 26% of the global population are of reproductive age and more than 800 million people menstruate daily (UNICEF & Global Citizen). Women and menstruators around the world are facing significant barriers,

We’re 100 blogs old!

This week marks the 100th post since we launched the blog just over a year ago. Thanks to all our readers and contributors for the lively discussions and debates. Sparks did fly. Disagreement was had. Long may it continue! To mark the occasion we have launched an exciting quarterly

The danger of single stories: ‘Africa’

Those interested in good quality lectures, music and humour (and much else!) will already be familiar with TED – – in 2009, TED posted a talk by Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Adichie (Purple Hibiscus 2003 and Half a Yellow Sun 2006) on the dangers of presenting overlapping dimensions of a

Ideas & Values

These briefing notes have been designed to remind us of the larger, more fundamental questions that underpin specific issue discussions. Do we have duties and responsibilities in the world

Water & Sanitation

Between 70 and 75 percent of the earth’s surface is covered with water – primarily salt water. Only 2.53 percent of the world’s water is useable freshwater which can be found in groundwater aquifers, rivers and freshwater lakes


“The truth about AIDS is of course a general truth about what the world is like today. In other words: what we allow the world to look like.” Henning Mankell, 2004 It has been almost 30 years since HIV and AIDS was first recognised and diagnosed. HIV and AIDS

The Asian Tsunami Debated

Worldwide, there has been a massive positive reaction to this disaster where huge sums of money have been raised to assist countries and communities rebuild their lives. This has largely happened