3 countries who used COVID-19 restrictions as a weapon against social justice
Kai Evans explores how governments used COVID-19 restrictions for the wrong reasons.
Kai Evans explores how governments used COVID-19 restrictions for the wrong reasons.
COVID-19 vaccine inequality remains, despite many of us returning to a form of ‘normality.’ Kai Evans finds out why.
Kai Evans reviews lessons learned from the pandemic about protecting civil society space during a crisis.
An additional 345 million people are food insecure. How did this happen? Navika Mehta reviews the latest global food security report
Global Health Architecture Post-COVID-19 session from the World Health Summit 2022
On episode 3 of the podcast, guest host ‘educational activist’ and development educator Colm Regan interviews colleague and friend Martyn Turner on the perils, dilemmas and trade-craft as a cartoonist.
The Global Health Matters podcast provides a forum for discussing the most important global health topics of the day.
It is not surprising that Africa’s vaccine manufacturing capacity has been limited. The facilities supply less than 1% of vaccines needed for the continent.
Join us for a 1 hour session that will demystify what we know about pharmaceutical companies, patents and Covid-19 vaccine supplies
What would an actual race pitting countries against each other in the vaccination race to tackle Covid-19 look like?
A new podcast series, based on the 2-day Development Studies Association, Ireland summer school on ‘Changing Climates’ in June 2021 catching up with speakers and participants involved.
Gina Dorso explores the main outcomes of Progressive International’s Summit for Vaccine Internationalism and what can be done
developmenteducation.ie’s Gina Dorso and Aoife Mc Donald share 8 takeaways from a major civil society event exploring ideas for a Just Recovery from COVID-19 based on the Sustainable Development Goals
Ciara Regan looks at the uneven distribution of vaccinations worldwide in advance of receiving her first vaccine dose
The system for asylum seeker accommodation in Ireland has been described as inhuman, degrading and illegal by human rights groups and critics. Navika Mehta reviews ‘Direct Provision’s legacy and compares it with a similar model that has appeared in India.
John Dornan ponders all things pandemic, as he gets his first COVID-19 vaccination
Take the quiz and test your knowledge, based on the 10 Myths About Women’s Rights myth buster.
What was popular in 2020? Check out the top 10 blogs published on developmenteducation.ie
Join us on 27 January 2021 for a screening of Never Waste a Crisis, a short documentary film on how human rights are being undermined during the COVID19 crisis, followed by a lively discussion with producer Emmet Sheerin from Trócaire and climate activist and campaigner Alicia O’Sullivan
The 2021 reader survey is open – have your say on a changed world, and how we can support you in it
Follow the Human Rights Day 2020 live-blog for happenings and activities throughout the day during a time of unprecedented change during the first year of a Covid-19 world
A poem, written by Adam, age 9, as part of the Generation Lockdown series
Three new videos from the Generation Lockdown video series where young people from across the world react to the Coronavirus pandemic
County councils are vital as leaders in ethical practices in communities and as reminders of the global footprint of natural resources they use and the many people connected to that use, argues Tom Roche
On the other side of the pandemic, we must strengthen and build strong working-class movements to challenge imperialism and neocolonialism
The “Africa needs help” vs. “No! Africa can teach you lessons!” is tiring. Other than benefiting a few pundits, are we deriving any value from it? George Kibala Bauer
Country representative for HelpAge DRC, Anatole Bandu, reports on the human impact of Covid-19
Continuing the global citizenship journey, here are 6 education initiatives from Ireland that have been adapted to take place during Covid-19 learning contexts.
On April 23rd, President of Ireland Michael D. Higgins made a detailed statement on Ireland’s potential role in the COVID-19 crisis and its implications for those most at risk worldwide.
Wider than a health issue, the Coronavirus pandemic is threatening women’s rights and well-being, as reports of violence against women surge across the world
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