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636 Resources found

Erratum to the Shell Annual Report 2010

Year: 2011 | Published by: Friends of the Earth International (FOEI), Friends of the Earth Netherlands

Designed as a public relations stunt directed at shareholders of the global energy and petrochemical company Royal Dutch Shell PLC …

Young Activist’s Handbook: a young person’s guide to changing the world while having fun too

Year: 2012 | Published by: Young Friends of the Earth Ireland (YFoE)

Packed with campaigning tools, ‘how to’ pages and background information this handbook is a comprehensive resource for anyone looking for …

Good practice guidelines for development education in schools

Year: 2013 | Published by: Irish Development Education Association (IDEA)

This report is of interest to teachers and development educators working or preparing to work in primary and post primary …

Human Rights Stories: tales of human rights defenders for primary schools

Year: 2012 | Published by: Amnesty International Ireland

This primary school resource provides five inspirational tales of human rights defenders – Fela, Maria, Bobo, Ishmael and Farai. Based …

Human Development Report 2013: The Rise of the South – Human Progress in a Diverse World

Year: 2013 | Published by: United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

When developed economies stopped growing during the 2008–2009 financial crisis but developing economies kept on growing, the world took notice. …

Year: 2012 | Published by: Rockfinch Ltd.

Resource DescriptionThe website covers nine topics including human rights, health and taking action. It contains a detailed guide as …

Proudly Made in Africa: A Business Studies & Development Education Transition Unit

Year: 2013 | Published by: Value Added in Africa

The transition unit focuses on how Ireland is linked to a range of countries in Africa through trade based on …

An Audit of Irish Development Education Resources

Year: 2013 | Published by:

As part of its work programme for 2012, an audit of available development education (DE) resources produced in Ireland from …

Global Teacher: A cross-curricular teaching resource on global development for Transition Year

Year: 2012 | Published by: Irish Aid

This is a cross curricular teaching resource on global development for transition year students available in English and Irish. Section …

Finding Our Voice: a resource on debating world development

Year: 2012 | Published by: Concern Worldwide

Using the ‘art of debating’ as a platform for learning about global development issues and big ideas, Finding Our Voice …

Schools Across Borders: Global Citizens Resource

Year: 2011 | Published by: Schools Across Borders

This resource is aimed at post-primary level schools by focusing on conflict, human rights and justice issues through the lens …

Power Up: Supporting communities as they work their way out of poverty

Year: 2013 | Published by: Trócaire

Power Up has been specifically designed to support the CSPE/Citizenship and Religious Education curricula in the Republic of Ireland and …

Thinking Trees: Development Trees and our Interdependent World

Year: 2012 | Published by: Just Forests

This primary schools resource consists of activities that encourage students to explore the importance of trees and of forests in …

Cause & Effect: 4 stories on HIV & AIDS

Year: 2012 | Published by: Concern Worldwide

In 2011, 15-24 year olds accounted for 40% of all new adult HIV infections around the globe verifying that HIV …

Nature’s Way Booklets

Year: 2012 | Published by: An Taisce

A series of full colour and fully illustrated booklets on a variety of environmental issues produced by An Taisce, with …

Bookbird: A Journal of International Children’s Literature

Year: 0 | Published by: International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY)

Bookbird is a quarterly peer reviewed journal that “aims to communicate new ideas to the whole community of readers interested …

Exploring Diversity & Global Justice through the Arts: an educational resource for second level schools

Year: 2011 | Published by: Comhlámh

This resource aims to support second level teachers to bring a justice perspective into their classroom using active learning and …

Education for Sustainable Development: ‘Images and Objects’ Active Methodology Toolkit

Year: 2008 | Published by: Consumer Citizenship Network

This 22 page toolkit is for facilitators and teachers interested in education for sustainable development. It provides the context for …

Illegitimate Debt: A Facilitators Resource for Community Education

Year: 2011 | Published by: Debt and Development Coalition Ireland

This 24 page resource is the first issue of a series of educational resources that Debt and Development Coalition Ireland …

A Down to Earth Guide to Tax Justice

Year: 2011 | Published by: The Debt and Development Coalition Ireland

This is a 6 page magazine style resource with country focused stories on tax from around the world. This resource …